“ Do you like to go shopping?” Good morning! “ Do you like to go shopping?”
What kind of shops do people go to in Britain?
Where can we buy…?
Projects 1) I think …’s project is the most interesting. most original. 3)…’s project is the most well illustrated. 4) …’s project is the most informative. 5) …’s project is the most creative. 6) …’s project is the funniest.
Test yourself. Key: 1f, 2h, 3 e, 4i, 5a, 6c, 7g, 8b, 9d.
1) a …of milk. 2) a … of bread. 3) a …of coffee. Fill in the correct word: a slice, a cup, a loaf, a bar, a can, a carton, a packet, a glass. 1) a …of milk. 2) a … of bread. 3) a …of coffee. 4) a ..of orange juice. 5) a . of cheese. 6) a of nuts. 7) a …of Coca. 8)a of chocolate.
What is there in the fridge What is there in the fridge? -I can see some( much, many, little/a little, few,/a few)…
How much money do you need to buy this? 70p. £ 3 £ 4/a kilo 60 p. 15p. 90p/ a kilo Shopping list: (2) milk (4) ice-creams (1) oil (2) bread (1 ) fish (0,5) cheese Total: £ 9,10
Thank you for your work. Good-buy!