Background CRiteria for the IDentification of Groundwater thrEsholds: BRIDGE Co-ordinator: BRGM (Fr) Groundwater Characterisation workshop, 25 June 2004 1
Bridge project FP6 Context: Programme « Integrating and strenthening the European Research Area » Priority 8; Activity « Policy support and anticipating scientific and technological needs » Call FP6-2003-SSP-3 (10.10.2003) Area: Policies-1.5, Task 3: Thresholds of groundwater pollutants: Establishment of common groundwater pollutant thresholds taking into account specific criteria linked to bodies of groundwater within the EU to be used for the definition of the groundwater chemical status within the future “daughter groundwater directive”. Instrument: Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) Deadline of submission: 13 january 2004 Evaluation: april 2004 Contract negociations are on-going: summer 2004 Groundwater Characterisation workshop, 25 June 2004
Bridge project Objectives: to define a common methodology for the establishment of threshold values To study and gather scientific outputs to set out criteria for the assessment of the chemical status of groundwater To derive a plausible general approach based on scientific results and defined at national river basin district or groundwater body level To check the applicability and validity by means of case studies at the European scale To identify and undertake additional research studies to complete available data To carry out an environmental impact assessment taking into a count the economic and social impacts Groundwater Characterisation workshop, 25 June 2004
Bridge project 28 partners 17 countries Budget of the project 25 from academia or public organisations, 2 SMEs and 1 non profit org. 17 countries 16 European countries (Fr, At, UK, Be, Dk, De, Es, Fin, Gr, It, Nl, Pt) with 4 New Member States (Lt, Est, Pl, Hu) 1 candidate country (Bl) Budget of the project Total budget 3 m€ Financial contribution of the Commission 1.88 M€ Duration: 24 months: hence supporting the GWD negotiation process Kick-off meeting is planned on september / october Groundwater Characterisation workshop, 25 June 2004
Bridge project WP 1: Survey of representative groundwater pollutants: State of the art and relation with on-going national and EU-funded RDT projects for pollutants: metals, anions and organic compounds of the GWD (trichlo, tétrachlo) 33 priority substances (2001) emerging pollutants WP 2: Study of groundwater characteristics: State of the art about groundwaters: Hydro-geological characteristics of groundwaters Soil/groundwater interactions and groundwater/surface waters interactions Quantitative aspects and links with qualitative aspects Groundwater Characterisation workshop, 25 June 2004
Bridge project WP 3: Criteria for environmental thresholds and methodology to define a good status: Propose a practical and common approach Review of national methodologies of groundwater protection Take into account sampling, measuring and quality assurance Monitoring networks and integrated data aggregation WP 4: Representative sites / water body studies and compliance testing: Evaluate the approach defined in WP3 Selection of representative sites Linked with RTD projects (Swift, Aquaterra, Snowman, ….) Case studies and compliance testing Groundwater Characterisation workshop, 25 June 2004
Bridge project WP 5: Economic and social costs linked to the application of threshold values: Estimation of the socio-economic impact of these values Development of a methodological framework Integrated socio-economic assessment of groundwater threshold values (5 case studies) WP 6: Information and dissemination Organisation of workshops and final conference Communication among partners / EU commission Dissemination and link with CIRCA Groundwater Characterisation workshop, 25 June 2004
Bridge project Conclusion Definition of thresholds values for groundwater is a priority for the implementation of the GWD Bridge project has to propose a common approach to define thresholds values in groundwaters tested and validated methodology realistic approach WG 2C: advisory panel of the Bridge project ? Groundwater Characterisation workshop, 25 June 2004