Beta thalasemia
Clinical History A 36-year-old male of Burmese descent. Chief Complaint: Anemia and jaundice.
History of Present Illness: At the time of presentation, the patient was a recent immigrant from Burma who wished to establish care with an American physician. He had been chronically jaundiced and anemic since childhood, with multiple episodes of severe anemia requiring transfusion. He reported receiving more than 30 units of blood prior to age 17.
Family History: The patient is married with 1 child His mother and 1 sister both have thalassemia, although they are not as severely affected as he is. His father and 3 brothers have no known hematologic disorders.
Investigation: 1-p.b microcytic, hypochromic anemia marked anisocytosis and poikilocytosis increase reticulocyte decrease Hb WBC normal 2-B.M erythroid hyperplasia ppt of iron on spleen and liver(extramedullary hemopoeisis.)
Investigation: -bilirubin is increased -ferritin is increased
Treatment: Transfusion. iron chelation stem cell transport