Warm Up 10/27 Improv Activity: Once desks are moved so that the class can sit in a circle, choose one of these three creatures: The first is an alien. The alien is signified by making antennae with your fingers and leaning into the circle making the noise “zeep zeep zeep”. The second thing you can be is a tiger. The tiger is signified by leaning into the circle exposing your ferocious claws and roaring. The last is the cow. The cow’s udder is exposed by putting your hand on your stomach and mooing loudly. I will count to three. On three, everyone commits to one of the three character types: alien, tiger, or cow. Majority Rules– the odd people out are out. I.e., if there are six tigers, four cows and two aliens the two players that chose aliens are out of the circle. We will keep going until there are two left.
Learning Targets I can interact, in character, with classmates by participating in improv activities. I can build contextual understanding of plotlines and themes in the play Hamlet by watching and participating in improv skits.
Improv Break up into groups of 3-4 (no more!). You have 3o seconds. Go!
Improv Practice with your group, and then, PERFORM!
Quickwrite In 4-6 sentences, answer these questions: Reflect upon this activity. What can you anticipate about the plot of Hamlet based on what you saw/what you did? What did you learn about performance today, if anything? How might performing affect your learning in our unit? Will it be a help or hindrance? Explain.