WG 2.B Integrated River Basin Management Progress Report Strategic and Coordination Group Meeting Brussels 5th May 2003
Main Activities
Main Activities (1/4) (Since last SCG) Definition of the scope of the WG under the umbrella of the new organization approach for the CIS. Elaboration of Terms of Reference for the WG Definition of specific mandates for the DGs (factsheets). Discussion in inception meeting
Main Activities (2/4) (Since last SCG) Finalisation of the guidance document on Planning Process Consideration of comments from last SCG and “last round for minor remarks”. Final version of the guidance has been presented to the water directors to be endorsed by means of a written procedure.
Main Activities (3/4) (Since last SCG) Guidance document on Wetlands New Version of the guidance to be presented to this Strategic Coordination Group
Main Activities (4/4) (Since last SCG) Follow up of the Pilot River Basin Exercise The network of Pilot River Basins is carrying out different tasks with the main aim of testing the guidance documents
Meetings (Since last SCG)
FURTHER STEPS (1/2) Follow up of activities that have already started: Finalisation of the Guidance Document on Wetlands Further development of the so called “Phase 1” of the PRB exercise.
FURTHER STEPS (2/2) New drafting groups DG Eco1: Integration of economic issues DG Eco2: Economic methodological aspects DG Plan: Preparation of river basin management plans and programmes of measures