S.A.T. 12 Spelling & Vocabulary
heed – v. - To pay attention to: listen to and consider.
podium – n., pl. - An elevated platform, as for a public speaker.
oblivious – Lacking all memory; forgetful oblivious – Lacking all memory; forgetful. Lacking conscious awareness; unmindful.
curtail – tr. v. – To cut short or reduce.
tenuous – adj. Long and thin; slender.
bombast – Grandiloquent, pompous speech or writing
acquiesce – intr. v.- To consent or comply passively or without protest
resonant – adj. - Strong and deep in tone; resounding
lampoon – n. - A written attack ridiculing a person, group, or institution. A light, good-humored satire.
epicure – n. – A person with refined taste, esp. in food and wine.
S.A.T. 12 Time is ticking. Study your words at home!