Day 2 Good morning class. We are so glad to be back in your classroom to work on our lesson together again. My name is Apryl, and My name is Racheal. Let’s take a minute to pass out name tags that will help us know your names. Please put them on your shirt where we can see them. Thank you. Great! Does anyone remember the story we heard in class last week? (Show the book) Slide 2 after they answer.
Anansi the Spider: An Ashanti Tell Do you remember where the Ashanti people live? (Africa/ Ghana) S how the PPT slide 3 after they answer.
Great. We are so excited to get back to the lesson. But first we need to talk about color. Warm colors and Cool colors. Does anyone know why warm colors are called warm colors? Or Why cool colors are called cool colors? (Warm: Color of flame, the sun, lava, etc. Cool: color of water, grass, ice, shade)
So before we pass everything back out to work on So before we pass everything back out to work on. We need to be sure about warm and cool colors. So you are going to help us this morning to create a warm and cool color chart to help you keep the colors straight in your mind. Take turns holding up a color and asking students what the color is and if it is warm or cool. Then open up the color and paint a good size swatch of that color on the fabric labeled warm or cool. Than tell the student that today we are going to use baby wipes to clean our brushes before we change colors. Show students how to do this. Than do the next color until all 6 colors are done. Hang up in the front of the room so students can see. Then demo the painting. Show students the drawing of the frog. This is really important. Everyone listen. You have to decide if you are going to paint your subject warm or cool? So everyone, should I paint my frog warm or cool colors? Let the class decide. Then show them how to do the painting. Once done with that color group. Then the background needs to be painted the other color grouping. Demonstrate this. Pay attention to telling students about cleaning brush between colors. About subject being one color group and back ground another. Everyone good. What are we going to do first? (decide if we are going to paint are subject warm or cool than the back ground will be painted the other) Does everyone in the group have to paint their subject the same? No. Everyone gets to decide how they want to paint their picture. But don’t mix the warm and cool. Keep one to the subject and one to the background
Does anyone Remember what Batik is? Step1 Every group member needs to paint their batik. Does anyone remember what batik is? Batik: a technique used to dye fabrics which evolves using substances for resistance of color in specified areas.