Welcome to Kindergarten Open House 2017-2018
Meet Miss Gordon!
Our Weekly Schedule P.E. Music Art Library Lunch everyday!
Drop-Off Procedures You must drop your child off at the entrance in the front of the building. Children arriving late (after 9:05am) must be signed in at the K-1 office.
Dismissal Procedures Please help your child learn their bus number. Children are brought to their bus daily by their teacher. Any changes in your child’s dismissal plan needs to be brought to the teacher’s attention. Please send in a note with specific changes noted. If your child is being picked up, he/she will be walked down by our teacher’s aide to the gym at 3:20.
Home -School Connection Your child’s folder is essential for keeping communication lines open between school and teacher. Your child’s folder is checked daily for any important notes from home( dismissal changes, parent questions/concerns, lunch money etc.) Please check your child’s folder daily as any and all important information from school will be placed in their folder. Also, look at important dates on our newsletter. Please take the time to look at the work your child brings home. This will keep you updated on what we are covering daily.
Birthdays/Holiday Parties Every child’s birthday is special. Please contact me to arrange the details. Holiday parties will be planned and organized in partnership with our homeroom parent. To avoid any hurt feelings, please try to send all invitations from home. I appreciate your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me.
Lunch and Snack Children will be responsible for bringing their own snack daily. Please be sure to pack a healthy snack. Please pack snack separately or put in a bag labeled “snack” so there is no confusion with their lunch. All lunch money must come to school in an envelope marked with: child’s name teacher’s name your child’s pin number.
Academics Math We utilize “Engage NY” math module for our math program. We will work through 6 Math Modules throughout the school year. A letter will sent home prior to each Module to inform you of the content and skills within the Module. Assessments will be done at the end of each Module.
English Language Arts We use a variety of literature books to teach our reading! This program incorporates the following skills Listening and Speaking skills Reading and writing Letter Recognition and letter sound association Phonemic awareness activities We also do: Writer’s Workshop Reader's Wokshop
English Language Arts We use a balanced literacy approach for ELA which means reading to kids, reading with kids, and reading by kids - every day or across a week. What this looks like: Reading to students from a picture or a chapter book and discussing the theme or message of a story using evidence from the text. Reading enlarged text with kids helping when they can and then going back into the book to find sight words. During independent reading time, students read books they can read with fluency and understanding.
Reading Workshop Approach Using a workshop approach allows children to: read more books receive direct instruction using books at his or her appropriate level in smaller groups read for longer periods of time focus on the strategies and skills specific to his or her needs
Reading and Writing Workshop Grades K-5 teach reading and writing through Common Core aligned units of study put out by the Reading and Writing Project Teachers College at Columbia University and Lucy Calkins
Phonics and Word Study Grade K Letters and sounds are introduced weekly. **New sight word lists will be introduced as your child progresses through each one. Please practice sight words at home daily!
Science and Social Studies Children will understand and discuss: - school rules and responsibility -seasonal changes/weather -All about Me -civic duties/needs and wants -holidays/traditions -plants, animals, and the environment -maps and globes -Matter(solids and liquids)
Classroom Management We use a BEE system in our classroom. After two warnings, we fly to yellow.and lose 5 min of recess. If on yellow, and they receive another redirection they move to blue. and lose 10 min of recess. Another redirection is a move to red, loss of half of recess and a call to the principal depending on the severity. A green day of course is an GREAT day! We also use Brownie Points as a whole class reward system. When we fill our “cookie sheet” from receiving compliments, our class earns a reward! Each table also has a ten frame to fill up. Tables earn dots by sitting and working quietly, having their materials ready. When they fill their ten frame, the members of the table choose an item from my prize box!
Field Trips In Kindergarten we LOVE to explore the community and expose the children to all the wonders that are out there. We will give you plenty of advanced notice when we will be venturing out. Chaperones will be contacted when needed.
Thank you for coming!!!!! Any Questions?