Report on Accomplishments Overview: 2011-12 CEC Operational Plan Evan Lloyd CEC Executive Director 22 June 2011 Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Project completions Biodiversity Conservation Marine Species and Spaces Conserving the Monarch Butterfly and Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods North American Grasslands (2010) North American Environmental Atlas
Project achievements Enforcement and Compliance: Online training - hazardous wastes and hazardous recyclable materials Crossing the Border Electronic system for the exchange of information on the import/export of hazardous wastes and recyclable materials Environment, Economy and Sustainability Supporting the Growth of Energy Efficient Buildings
Project achievements Pollutants and Health Updates to Mexican National (Air) Emissions Inventory (2005 and 2008 data) Capacity building for implementation of AirNow Int’l in Mexico Tri-national monitoring network for Chemicals of Concern Focused tri-national strategy on mercury (Hg) Preparation of Mexican Chemical Imports Inventory Taking Stock - Vol. 13
Kick-off Project Achievements Assessment of the comparability of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and Black Carbon Inventories in North America Electronic wastes Material Flows Recycling and refurbishing Intelligence-led enforcement
Secretariat Report to Council Destination Sustainability: Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Freight Transportation in North America Coordination and networking Carbon pricing and system efficiency strategies Investments to improve the efficiency of freight transportation system Supply chain management Training eco-drivers Gathering and sharing data
2011-12 Operational Plan Healthy Communities and Ecosystems Climate Change – Low-Carbon Economy Greening the Economy in North America
Steering Committees (SCs) Development of the Operational Plan 2011-2012 Council/GSC Steering Committees (SCs) Secretariat JPAC January guidance, nomination of 7 SCs 136 government experts Development of 23 projects, January - February 15 projects selected and revised with lead drafters, March/April Revisions to 15 projects, March/April GSC clearance of 15 projects for JPAC review, 24 March/16 April 15 project descriptions transmitted to JPAC, 25 March/16 April 15 projects reviewed by JPAC/public, 28 March – 27 April JPAC advice transmitted to Council 13 May Council considered JPAC advice Final draft OP, 14 June Council approved OP, 15 June Implementation of OP11-12 Commission for Environmental Cooperation
CEC Project Evolution * Merged into one project in 2011 ** Split into two projects in 2011
Three countries. One environment.