LED Board for the Tile Calorimeter of the ATLAS Detector at the LHC Titus Masike Reto Suter
Brief Outline Large Hadron Collider ATLAS Detector TileCal MobiDICK4 System LED Driver Tasks at Hand Review of old Schematics New Schematics Design of the Board OrCAD Capture PCB Editor SAIP Conference Second Phase of Project Re-redesign of Schematics Production of First LED Board Production of Second LED Board Adjustments for Next Model Conclusion LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Large Hadron Collider LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
ATLAS Detector LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
TileCal Stands for Tile Calorimeter. Used to measure the energy and trajectory of the particles produced in the proton-proton collisions in the inner detector. The TileCal measures by means of light pulses which are boosted into signals in photo multiplier tubes. LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Photo Multiplier Tube Depends on two physical discoveries: Photo Electric Effect Secondary Emission LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
MobiDick4 System During the shut down there will be a consolidation integrity check on the electronics which will be carried out by the MobiDick4 system LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
MobiDick4 System MobiDick stands for Mobile Drawer Integrity Checking system. The initial MobiDICK system was used to check whether the integrity of the super-drawers of the TileCal hasn’t been compromised. The new and improved MobiDick4 system shall include several state of the art boards which will each provide a different function to the motherboard. Wits HEP group were given the chance to work on two of the daughter boards, namely being the LED Driver and the High Voltage board LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
MobiDick4 System LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
LED Driver- Old Board The purpose of the board is to produce a -20V 20ns width almost square pulses out of a control signal that is 3.3V. The board uses a component called a monostable, which is powered by about 5V, to generate a signal that will be split into two signals to feed to different branches of the shaping circuit. Each one of these branches uses the 24V to produce the required pulse and width. The control signal comes from the MobiDICK base motherboard. LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Tasks at Hand Review of Schematics Proposal of new Schematics Convert Schematics from PDF to Electronic Format using OrCad Capture Do a physical layout of the board using PCB Editor LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Review of Old Schematics The current board was made 10 years ago. So as you can imagine a lot of the parts on the board have currently been discontinued and are very hard to find. For this reason a new board is needed is currently being designed LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
New Schematics LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
New Schematics LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Design of the Board In order to design a board on computer you some sort of electronic CAD program. In this case the Cadence package was used, which is basically an assembly of about 13 programs but only two of the thirteen were used: LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
OrCad Capture The original layout of the board was only available in PDF format so one of the tasks I was dealt with was to convert the LED Driver schematics from PDF format to Electronic format. The program used to do this is called OrCAD Capture from the Cadence design package. What this program does is that it makes the schematics for your board which basically are just the logical connections between each of the components on the board LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
OrCad Capture LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
PCB Editor The PCB Editor program is dedicated to the design of all the physical components of the board ranging from a single component or part to the physical layout of the board itself. LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
SAIP Conference Presented the projected at the SAIP 2013 Conference in Richards Bay Poster Presentation Was the only third year student at the conference LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Second Phase of Project Done by Reto Suter Focuses more on the building of the design and testing LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
The Re-redesign of the Schematics A lot of the parts I had used in my design could only be found in CERN We wanted the board to be produced in South Africa Hence why a re-redesign of the board was necessary. LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Production of First Prototype Very first LED board produced by wits Had a few heating problems LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Production of Second Prototype Much wider than previous prototype Converters put in so it can be powered by either 12V or 24V Rather large resistors put in to dissipate heat Four indication LEDs can be attached A remote signal can be put in at J8 LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Adjustments for next Model J7 component should be moved a millimetre to the right Relay should be closer to the control pin of the 12-24 converters LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Conclusion Very special thanks to Prof Bruce Mellado Robert Reed Carlos Solans Alberto Valero Reto Suter LED board for the Tile Calorimeter on the ATLAS detector at the LHC