Stream Table Lab TEACHER NOTES below Materials per group: sand (~25 grams, but even 10 grams might be enough; just enough to lightly cover the upper part of the pan), small beaker (100mL), large cup of water (to keep refilling the small beaker), dropper, clean sheet of paper, roller paint pan (alternative- disposable pan insert ($6 for 12) propped up by block of wood) Title paper. Show students how to set up their stream table. Sand is sprinkled on upper third. Do first set of drawings/notes- “Before water”. Add 20 droppers of water (not drops, but droppers) at the top. Observe things like how sand is eroded from the outside of a meander and deposited on the inside. Do the second set of drawings/notes-”Some water”. Pour 3 beakers full of water at the top. Observe. Do third set of drawings/notes-”More water”. Leave 10 min. for clean up and to get ready for next class. Add as much other detail during the lab as you like. As described above took me about 30 min.
Stream Table Lab Before water- Dry sand is sprinkled evenly across the top There is none at the bottom
Before water- Dry sand is sprinkled evenly across the top There is none at the bottom After some water- Water moved (“eroded”) the sand particles Some were deposited at the bottom Others were deposited on the inside of a meander Where there was no water, there was no erosion/deposition
After some water- Water moved (“eroded”) the sand particles Some were deposited at the bottom Others were deposited on the inside of a meander Where there was no water, there was no erosion/deposition After more water- More sand was eroded/deposited _______ and ______ of water both affect amount eroded Delta: water carrying sand slows, deposits the sand on the lake floor. Different patterns can form. Volume speed