Does god care how we dress? Studying Modest Clothing
Our approach Three modesty issues Who should teach modesty? Does modesty in dress apply to men?
Modesty issues A nakedness issue A lust issue A heart issue
Modesty A Heart Issue
Modesty A Heart issue “…modesty is not first an issue of clothing, It is primarily an issue of the heart. And if the heart is right with God, it will govern itself in purity coupled with humility and will express itself modestly.” Jeff Pollard Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America
Modesty A Heart issue 1 Peter 3:3-4 “Your adornment must not be merely external — braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.” NASU
Modesty A Heart issue 1 Peter 3:1-7 Context? – proper attitude of a godly wife toward her husband (godly or not) Is her goal to convert him or keep him? Convert? Proper behavior - respectful and chaste Proper adornment – hidden person of the heart, a gentle and quiet spirit Gentle – mild, meek Quiet - peaceful existence or attitude
Modesty A Heart issue 1 Peter 3:1-7 Context? – proper attitude of a godly wife toward her husband (godly or not) Is her goal to convert him or keep him? Keep? External adornment – braided hair, gold and dresses
Modesty A Heart issue 1 Peter 3:1-7 Questions How would a woman dress if her attitude is submissive and her spirit is gentle and quiet? Will she dress in such a way that draws attention to herself because of her adornment?
Modesty A Heart issue 1 Peter 3:1-7 Consider: Her adornment may be proper when taking into account the nakedness issue or the lust issue but, according to Peter, still be improper. She may be appropriately covered with clothing not designed for sexual attraction but her choice of color or accessories are selected to draw attention. This is EXACTLY the application Peter references! Peter is not addressing adornment from either the nakedness nor lust perspective. He is not saying that braided hair, gold jewelry or dresses are improper but may be worn from an improper attitude!
Modesty A Heart issue 1 Peter 3:1-7 Consider: “Women may cover their cleavage and thighs just enough, yet make sure to put on an eye-popping necklace designed to draw compliments, lovelessly nitpick the “immodest” clothing choices of weaker Christians, or post a meticulously posed Instagram picture featuring her latest workout or Bible-journaling session. Are we dressing “immodestly” in more subtle ways for accolades, approval, and attention?”
Modesty A Heart issue 1 Peter 3:1-7 Consider: Your Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat pictures – how many selfies have you posted to these forums? Is this wrong? Not necessarily. Is it a “look at me” mentality? That’s a problem!
Modesty A Heart Issue 1 Timothy 2:9-10 Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, (10) but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. NASB
Modesty A Heart Issue 1 Timothy 2:9-10 “proper clothing” (1st) “not only the propriety of his dress and demeanor, but of his inner life, uttering and expressing itself outwardly.” Zodhiates “modestly” (2nd) “an innate moral repugnance to a dishonorable act or fashion” Zodhiates “discreetly” (3rd) “it is that habitual inner self-government…” Trench
Modesty A Heart issue Objection Consider “But, I want to look good for my man.” Consider Nothing necessarily wrong with wanting to “look good” for your husband but the emphasis should be on your attitude not on your adornment or appearance! Are you really wanting to look good for him, for you or for others? How about emphasizing looking godly rather than looking good!
Modesty A Heart issue Objection Consider “But, I want to look good for my man.” Consider Is this “proper for women making a claim to godliness? Is this consistent with the action of a “gentle and quiet spirit”? How about emphasizing looking godly rather than looking good!
Modesty A Heart issue Objection Consider “But, I want to look good for my man.” Consider Husbands want their wives to look good as it strokes their male ego. Remember that which is “precious in the sight of God” should also be what is precious in your sight! There was a situation, I know of, where a woman wanted to look good (not just for her husband but for others as well). He enjoyed her looking good because it stroked his ego, though he was not as attentive as he should have been to her. Another (married) man was and they had an affair for several months. All concerned were Christians. Was the immodesty the problem? No, it was a symptom of a heart problem which manifested itself in dress and eventually to adultery.
Modesty A Heart issue “Though it is true that one may dress modestly from a sinful and prideful motive, one cannot knowingly dress lavishly and sensually from a good one. Thus, the purity and humility of a regenerate heart internally must ultimately express itself by modest clothing externally.” Jeff Pollard Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America
Modesty issues A nakedness issue A lust issue A heart issue
Teaching Modesty Who should teach modesty? Gary Henry’s interview with a prostitute Gary: “You know a good bit about men” Prostitute: “Its my business to know ..” Gary: Why religious women often don’t know as much about men Prostitute: Because they have never been taught about men by anyone but their mothers (who often knew very little themselves). Women who know how a man thinks are those who have been taught by a man!
Teaching Modesty Who should teach modesty? “Above all, we men must learn how to govern our hearts and eyes as well as to teach our wives and children the proper principles of modesty. Although women are vulnerable to wearing lavish or sensual apparel, their fathers and husbands are ultimately responsible for what the women in their homes wear.” Jeff Pollard Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America
Teaching Modesty Who should teach modesty? Fathers need to teach their wives and daughters. Elders need to instruct the women in a local congregation. Wives, daughters and women may not see the problem, trust the men coming to you!
Teaching Modesty Who should teach modesty? Preachers need to preach both the principles and the practice of modesty! Specific application must be made to weddings, sports uniforms, sporting events (gymnastics, ballet), recreation (swimming, boating), other activities (cheerleading, beauty pageants).
Does modesty in dress apply to men?
Why ask? “New Testament scriptures on dress are addressed to women not men.” 1 Timothy 2:9-10 1 Peter 3:3-4 “Men are warned about lusting not women.” Matthew 5:27-28
Consider If this is true: there will be no scriptures regarding a man being naked. there will be no scriptures regarding a woman struggling with lust.
Men and modesty Genesis 2:25 - “both were naked and were not ashamed” “But this shame has reference to innocence in regards to sin.” Genesis 3:7 – “knew that they were naked…made…loin coverings” “But this shows their attempt to cover their guilt with clothes.” Genesis 3:21 – “God made garments of skin…and clothed them” What about this? Covering guilt or bodies?
Men and modesty Genesis 9:20-25 – Noah Exodus 20:26 – No high altars “saw the nakedness of his father” vs. 22 “covered the nakedness of their father” vs. 23 “their faces were turned away, so that they did not see their father’s nakedness” vs. 23 Exodus 20:26 – No high altars “so that your nakedness will not be exposed” Exodus 28:42 – Priests breeches “to cover their bare flesh”
Men and modesty Luke 8:27-36 – Demon possessed man “who had not put on any clothing for a long time” vs. 27 “clothed and in his right mind” vs. 35 1 Tim. 2:9, cf. 3:2 – Women & elders “proper clothing” – 2:9 & “respectable” – 3:2 Same Greek word – kosmios “… however, is not only the propriety of his dress and demeanor, but of his inner life, uttering and expressing itself outwardly.” Zodhiates
Men and modesty Matthew 5:28-30 Is lust only a problem for men? How do you explain the popularity of the Chippendales male dancers, male strippers, etc.? Obviously these men dress, or the lack thereof, to illicit a lustful response. Consider 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 Both are warned!
Does modesty in dress apply to men? ABSOLUTELY!
Summary Three modesty issues Who should teach modesty? Nakedness, lust and heart Who should teach modesty? Does modesty in dress apply to men?
Does god care how we dress? ABSOLUTELY!