Teddington School High Achieving Programme
Brightest students fulfilling their potential Sir Michael Wilshaw - in one of his final reports as Ofsted’s Chief Inspector said that one of the most pressing issues in education was there was still too much talent going to waste.
National Picture In 2015 68% of non selective secondary school pupils who had achieved a level 5 or above in English and Maths at primary school, failed to attain A or A* in these subjects at GCSE. In fact of this cohort, 27% of these students failed to achieve the minimum level of expected progress ( B at GCSE). Few checks being made on whether the teaching of mixed ability groups was challenging the brightest children sufficiently. Disproportionate efforts being spent in many schools on getting pupils over the D/C borderline rather than supporting the most able to secure the top A/A* grades.
HAS Purpose Teddington HAS programme is to raise achievement in our most able students and stretch and challenge within and beyond the curriculum
Initial Stages Step 1- Meeting with students Creating a ‘Passport’ for each student in the group. Focus will be on areas like what their aspirations are and what stretches and challenges them the most in lessons and outside of the classroom. What are their aspirations?
Initial Stages Step 2 Share this information with staff and parents/carers. All staff will be given this additional information to inform planning and conversations with those students. Parents/carers will also receive a copy of this.
Step 3: Data Analysis Roles and Responsibility: Department Head of Year HAS Co-ordinator Analyse the progress being made by the HAS students and work with departments to share good practice in order to stretch and challenge the most able.
Step 4: Enrichment Opportunities School collaboration (Hampton School Partnership) Higher education institutions (Outreach programmes) Careers department World of Work Subject opportunities (Work experience)
Step 5: Celebrate their Achievement For HAS achievements to be celebrated In assemblies Teaching and Learning Bulletin Newsletter Images around the school Enrichment
Sam Kirk current Year 13 student.
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