SASH Course Info
Course Dates 24 & 25 Feb, 17 & 18 Mar, 14 & 15 Apr, 2 June, 28 July, 25 & 26 Aug, 20 Oct, 10 & 11 Nov, 17 & 18 Nov 2018.
Create your Login Go to: Click on Log-in Under ‘Register’ – select ‘Student’ from the drop down menu – enter in all other information and click on ‘Register’ You will be sent a login email Once you login, visit the Members – Student Area to access information regarding the course
Helpful Reading Intro to Hypnosis by Dr Wendy Walker Michael Yapko – Trancework: An Introduction to the Practice of Clinical Hypnosis Ken Bowers – Hypnosis for the Seriously Curious
Missed Attendance Watch the video of the equivalent day Email Christine when you have done this Or, discuss an alternative
Supervision If you miss more than three days you will need to arrange some further supervision Attendance at casebook corner Attendance at congress Interstate colleagues can speak with us and we will organise supervision via facetime/skype Email Christine when you have done this as a record each day has 5 hours supervision including the hour from 1700 to 1800. Included in this is at least 15 hours of direct supervision
Short Case Studies Ten studies are submitted Use the “Marking Matrix – Short Case Studies” form as an outline and cover the headings Non- academic language is fine Their purpose is to show your progress and safe practice within your area of work Deadline for submission of first 5 studies to Christine by 2nd June and last 5 studies by 28th October. If you are not sure how to start just follow the marking matrix and send to me and ask for feedback
Long Case Reports Two Reports Academic language should be used Use the headings as outlined by ASH Follow the directions on the SASH website for how to present follow the instructions and checklist for how to lay this out
2000 to 3000 words Review prior to submission is recommended but not required. Submissions for reviews must be clearly stated If review is required, submission to SASH at by 2nd Sept Final submission date for completed reports to ASH is 30th Sept, please email to To be submitted by if review required by September 2 To be available to submit to ASH by September 30 To Charmaine so a central record kept In the email title please put for review or for submission, if this isn’t in there Charmaine will return it to you for clarification
Student Presentations A case presentation relating to hypnosis of your choice Indicate how hypnosis was applied to practice? What was learnt there is a video of previous presentations if you want to watch others
10 to 15 mins presentation, 5 mins for questions Presentations can be in your own comfortable format
Viva and Practical Assessment Bring along a naive volunteer, if local and email Charmaine at with the name of your volunteer for the day. Two assessments run concurrently so that you can swap your volunteer with another student We coordinate a timetable for you towards the end of the course examples of questions
Contact Details Allan Cyna allan.cyna@sa, / 0433707067 Christine Holliday Lindsay Harrington Charmaine Harvey Ayesha Mohamed