Logic Gates
NOT Gate Also known as an inverter
AND Gate
OR Gate
XOR Gate
What are digital circuits? System of logic components that model some Boolean expression Inputs Digital Circuit Output Example: ~x · y = z
Example – Circuit Expression What Boolean function does the following digital circuit model? Answer: ~x + ~y = z
Example – Circuit Expression What Boolean function does the following digital circuit model? Answer: f = xy + yz + ~xz
Your Turn What Boolean function does the following digital circuit model?
Example – Expression Circuit Draw the logic circuit that corresponds to the following Boolean expression: f = ~(xy+z)
Example – Expression Circuit Draw the logic circuit that corresponds to the following Boolean expression: f = ~(x+z)·(x+y)
Your Turn Draw the logic circuit that corresponds to the following Boolean expression: f = xy + ~xy + ~(yz)
NAND Gate ~(xy)
NOR GATE ~(x+y)