Council Standards of Venturing Excellence Nate Steele, 2014-2015 Area 4 President 2015-2016 CSVE National Taskforce Steve Myers, Area 4 Associate Advisor
What is the CSVE? Council Standards of Venturing Excellence “JTE” for Council-level Venturing Completed by the council by February 15 Based on a calendar year Awards presented by the BSA National Council Planning tool for a calendar year in Venturing
History of the CSVE Originally piloted by Central Region Venturing Evolved to a national award Overhaul in 2015 to resemble the JTE structure
Past Recipients in Area 4 Original format (win/lose) Area 4 Number of CR council to achieve excellence 2007, 2008 Greater Cleveland (2) 7, 11 2009 Simon Kenton 11 2010, 2011, 2012 6, 2, 3 2013 Great Trail 5 2014 3 2015 Council Standards of Venturing Excellence Bronze (22 in CR) Silver (8 in CR) Gold (0 in CR) Heart of Ohio Buckskin Muskingum Valley Great Trail Ohio River Valley Simon Kenton
2016 Form Bronze: 465-1056 points Silver: 1057-1649 points 6 Core Requirements Building membership Governance (VOA) Recognition (VLA) Activities Promotion Reporting to SE and Board 7 Electives Area participation Social media, website Venturing Awards participation Youth protection participation Adult training participation Council hosted training course Council VOA member in NYLT+ Bronze: 465-1056 points Silver: 1057-1649 points Gold: 1650+ points
2016 Form - submission
Why complete the CSVE? Council Data becomes part of National Benchmarking CR Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Area 7 633 538 917 686 808 862 392 562
Why complete the CSVE? It is a planning tool
Key to Achieving Venturing Excellence Find a youth to be the Council Venturing President Full on selection process Appointment Acting CVP Interim CVP Find other youth to serve as VPs Give them good adult Advisors Get them trained
$25 for a weekend that will help youth Develop as council leaders Start or sustain a Venturing Officer Association Create one page plans for Program, Administration, & Communication, and Achieve Venturing Excellence in their Councils Help us achieve our goal of 3 to 4 youth attending from every council in Area 4 Deadline November 18
Council Excellence requires Excellent Crews – CREW JTE Planning and budgeting Building Venturing Retention Adventure Leadership Personal Growth Service Leadership recruitment Trained Leadership
Questions? Steve Myers (330) 801-6034 Nate Steele (740) 630-7116