The virulence of Candida species in Galleria mellonella larvae at 37°C is species specific. The virulence of Candida species in Galleria mellonella larvae at 37°C is species specific. Kaplan-Meier plots of G. mellonella survival after injection with 106 CFU/larva of the indicated Candida species, organized as those that produce true hyphae (top panel), pseudohyphae (middle panel), or no hyphae/pseudohyphae (bottom panel), are shown. Equivalent plots obtained with C. auris isolates are included in all three panels for comparison. Four strains were tested per species, with 15 larvae per strain (60 larvae per species), except for C. auris, where 12 strains were included, with 10 larvae per strain. Experiments were performed in duplicate; plots represent the combined (additive) data from all strains and all experiments. No larval killing was observed in control larvae injected with an equivalent volume of PBS. Andrew M. Borman et al. mSphere 2016; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00189-16