Political Revolutions: The Great Rebellion Unit 3: Revolution
Revolution vs Rebellion When talking about political revolutions: A group of people revolting against their government and succeeding is called a revolution A group of people revolting against their government and failing is called a rebellion
The Great Rebellion (1857) ~1670 CE: British East India Company (BEIC) given ability to be involved in political and military affairs in India BEIC had own army Also hired Indian soldiers called sepoys to protect interests India still controlled own governments, but were influenced or intimidated by British Aristocracy replaced with British officials Attempted to Westernize Indian people Indians forced to buy expensive British goods; most in poverty https://vimeo.com/204717346
1698 coat of arms of east india company
The Great Rebellion (1857) Growing distrust of British by 1840s Visible unrest displayed in some sepoy regiments; bloodshed seemed possible Rumors that rifles were greased with cow and pig fat was the spark that began the rebellion Offensive to both Hindus and Muslims Soldiers who refused were publicly humiliated Indian soldiers led huge massacre in Meerut (50 killed) Led to complete rebellion of other Indians in all areas that Britain occupied https://vimeo.com/204717346
British territory in 1765 (left) and 1805 (right)
British territory in India 1837 (left) and 1857 (right)
Cartridges are torn open using your teeth Cartridges are torn open using your teeth. If the cartridges are greased with cow and pig fat, then the soldiers are effectively consuming cow and pig.
Why Did They Fail? Almost no support from Indian rulers Not all sepoys joined the revolt Armies were larger, but disorganized Limited supplies Weaker weaponry Rivalry between Hindus and Muslims No planned alternative to British rule
Notice the Sikhs in the background; some Sikhs fought with the sepoys, most fought with the British; both sides fought because they believed the other to be more likely to persecute them
The Aftermath Britain directly rules over India Indians increasingly anti-British Sparked feelings of nationalism Increased British rule leads to both positives and negatives Built roads, canals, and hospitals Order and stability in a badly divided country Mass poverty amongst most Indians Persecution and segregation of Indians from Europeans
British India
Exit Ticket With ONE partner, on ONE half sheet, answer the following: Define revolution using its most basic definition. Define revolution in the context of political revolutions. How are rebellions and revolutions different? Why was the British East India Company given free reign to do as they pleased in India? Explain your answer.