A Community Update on GATE Identification November, 2010 Presented by NHUSD GATE Committee representatives
GATE Committee Community Update Nov Introduction: Your Schools GATE Representative(s)
GATE Committee Community Update Nov Purpose of this Update The GATE Committee was created to research & recommend an improved GATE identification process for our district. This presentation will share the Committees work, research, and thoughts for possible recommendations. –We want your feedback by Nov 18th. This Committee was not created to review current GATE programs and services. Therefore, this presentation will not address GATE programs and services. If you have questions about these areas, communicate directly with your principal.
GATE Committee Community Update Nov Agenda I.Context and Data II.Research of GATE Committee III.Overall Findings of GATE Committee IV.GATE Committee Thoughts for Possible Recommendations V.Feedback
GATE Committee Community Update Nov Fall/Winter 2009 study groups –Superintendents Executive Cabinet –GATE Administrator Committee –NHUSD Equity Task Force Significant concerns with the current identification system, guided by an understanding that giftedness and talent occurs in all populations equally I. Context
GATE Committee Community Update Nov Analysis of multiple years of data at multiple grades and multiple sites Groups of students in our district were not being identified equitably under our identification system: –African-Americans –Latinos –Students from low-income families –Students at certain schools –Students gifted in creativity, leadership, arts I. Data
GATE Committee Community Update Nov I. Data: Ethnicity 2010 Example #1: Latinos are 34% of our districts 4th grade population in 2010, but Latinos are only 11% of our districts 4th grade GATE-identified population.
GATE Committee Community Update Nov I. Data: Gender Example #2: A higher percentage of 4th grade boys are being identified as GATE than 4th grade girls at Eastin (37% vs 25%), but at Pioneer a higher percentage of 4th grade girls are identified as GATE than 4th grade boys (33% vs. 18%).
GATE Committee Community Update Nov I. Data: Neighborhoods Example #3: 8% of 4th grade students at Alvarado elementary are identified as GATE, but at Eastin, 33% of 4th grade students are identified as GATE.
GATE Committee Community Update Nov I. Context and Data (continued) Result: –One-year moratorium on GATE identification process (for academic year) –A GATE Committee of teachers and parents from each school have been researching giftedness/talents and alternative identification processes –December 2010: GATE Committee will make recommendations to the District Superintendent –Spring 2011: Implementation of new GATE ID policies
GATE Committee Community Update Nov Financial context (circa ) –Severe cuts in education budget from State of California –Districts no longer have money dedicated to GATE identification and programs –Administrative costs of GATE program CogAT test (our districts previous ability test) = $10,000 (for limited # of students tested) With additional costs of referrals and evaluation by staff –Spending for GATE programs and services are at the discretion of individual schools. I. Context and Data (continued)
GATE Committee Community Update Nov Educational context (at Elementary schools) –All students are mixed (i.e., no separate classes) –GATE-identified students currently receive differentiated instructions –Differentiation in guided reading and writers workshop Educational context (at Middle schools) –All students are mixed (i.e., no separate classes); advanced math courses placement by multiple measures –GATE-identified students currently receive differentiated instructions –Enrichment activities -- most are open to all students Educational context (at Logan High School) –AP/honors courses are currently open to all students (regardless of any prior GATE affiliation) I. Context and Data (continued)
GATE Committee Community Update Nov II. Research of GATE Committee Research data on giftedness and talents Reviews of other districts practices NHUSDs policies and practices –Administrative Regulation for NHUSD Board Policy –NHUSDs identification process
GATE Committee Community Update Nov Finding #1: Giftedness and talents can be found in many diverse domains (e.g., academic achievement, creative thinking, leadership, visual/performing arts, motor/physical). Source/Evidence: NHUSD Administrative Regulation for Board Policy #I-6172, American Psychological Association, National Society for the Gifted & Talented Implications: Our system must have multiple tools to assess the many different kinds of giftedness & talents. III. Findings of GATE Committee
GATE Committee Community Update Nov Finding #2: Giftedness and talents are fluid and can be developed, and they cannot be accurately predicted solely by an ability test in fact, communicating to students that giftedness and talents are innate and constant can negatively affect student performance. Source/Evidence: Carol Dweck, Stanford Ph.D. (Mindset), American Psychological Association, David Lohman Ph.D. (a developer of CogAT), National Society for the Gifted & Talented Implications : Our system must be able to nurture and support the growth of giftedness and talents throughout our curriculum at every grade level, and we cannot rely solely on an ability test to identify gifted and talented students. III. Findings of GATE Committee
GATE Committee Community Update Nov Finding #3: The identification and support of giftedness and talents are heavily affected by environmental factors, which in turn could impact/influence: -- a students opportunities to develop their giftedness and talents -- a students motivation to express giftedness and talents Source/Evidence: David Lohman, Ph.D. (a developer of CogAT), Collective consensus of GATE Committee Implications : Our system must train and support parents and teachers so they can create opportunities for all students to show giftedness and talents III. Findings of GATE Committee
GATE Committee Community Update Nov Finding #4: Other districts testing methods -- all of which focus on identifying only academic ability or previous achievement -- result in statistics similar to that of NHUSD (i.e.under-identification of groups) Source/Evidence: Fremont, Pleasanton, Cupertino, San Francisco Unified, Oakland Unified, Alameda Implications: We should not base our identification process only on an ability test or students grades if we want our process to be equitable. III. Findings of GATE Committee
GATE Committee Community Update Nov Think and provide feedback to us regarding possible recommendations of the GATE Committee. –Use the handout worksheet or create your own. Submit your ideas to the GATE representative or Joe Feldman, Director of K-12 Instructional Programs at Check the NHUSD website for more information about the GATE Committees work and proposal development. IV. Feedback Opportunity
GATE Committee Community Update Nov Test 3rd graders with a battery of assessments to identify giftedness and talents in academic ability, creativity, leadership, visual/performing arts, etc. We test multiple years to accommodate the fluidity of giftedness and talents. We do not test any students, but invest those funds to continue to train teachers to nourish giftedness and talents within a differentiated curriculum that ensures all students are challenged. (Hayward) IV. Committee Thoughts for Possible Recommendations
GATE Committee Community Update Nov On behalf of the GATE Committee, Thank you for supporting your childs education!