Africa Chapter 8
Family Basic unit of society Nuclear family – parents and children live and work together for common good Extended family – parents, children, in-laws and sometimes cousins…
Kinship Patrilineal – inheritances follows the father Matrilineal – inheritances follow the mother Name, land and wealth Main goal is to help each other out
Lineage Group of households who claim the same ancestor Age grade – you would be given a certain responsibility
Political People would typically share power Elders or a chief would have valued opinions Women – keepers of the peace Agreements would be based on a consensus General agreement
Limited Power Some areas would pay taxes to a king for protection or aid in some form But in many areas the king would not be based on lineage but would be chosen by the people
Religion Polytheistic – many gods Believed in the forces of nature and spirits Think Greece ! Prior to Christianity and Islam Most people believed there was one god behind all the other gods and spirits Made conversion easy for the Christians and Muslims
Art Decoration of objects with meaning Sword, spear or shield Use of Ivory, bronze and gold Gold and Blue? Reserved for the elite