Directions: 1. Print game board. 2. Use the colored marker pieces below and a die from around the house. 3. Taking turns, roll the die and move marker. Say the body part in Spanish correctly before being able to roll and move again. An answer key is on the third slide, should your child need help. El Cuerpo (5K- 1 st grade)
SALIDA (start) Pierde un turno (Miss a turn.) Salta. (Jump.) Toma otro turno. (Take another turn.) Regresa un espacio. (Move back 1 space.) FIN (end)
SALIDA (start) Pierde un turno (Miss a turn.) Salta. (Jump.) Toma otro turno. (Take another turn.) Regresa un espacio. (Move back 1 space.) FIN (end) ojo cara mano pie pelo mano cabeza pierna boca cuello nariz hombro estómag o diente garganta brazo pecho oreja