Nurturing the Social- Emotional Needs of Gifted Children
Problems from Outside Sources Lack of Understanding & Support creates significant problems. Many people have unfair expectations of us. They even say, If youre gifted you should know this, or you should have gotten an A. (11 year old girl) How can parents help gifted students? By lowering their expectations. That way they are always surprised. (12 year old boy)
Expectations by Others Gifted kids should be perfect. Gifted kids often do not conform to the expectations of others, sometimes causing them discomfort. Sensitive to others discomfort, the gifted child may try to hide abilities.
Know the Unique Qualities of Gifted Kids in General, and Your Child Specifically uTalk to your child. Find out what excites, encourages, frustrates her. uMake a list of your childs strengths and weaknesses--then help your child use his strengths to balance any weaknesses in order to become successful.
Help Your Child Develop a Realistic Self-Concept uTeach your child that being less than #1 is okay. Take risks. Failure promotes learning. uMake sure your childs identity isnt focused solely on Im GATE or Im smart. Character qualities count. uTeach your child to view his or her strengths and weaknesses realistically. Take risks…where failure wont hurt overall goals.
Help Your Child Develop an Inner Locus of Control uHelp your child become self-motivated and able to accept responsibility for his or her own work and behaviors …Giant esteem booster. uDiscourage the victim of circumstances mentality. uTeach the cause and effect relationship of behavior --dont rescue.
STUDENT CLASSES AT OVMS MATH: Determined by student performance (not GATE identification) LANGUAGE ARTS: Homogeneous GATE or Heterogeneous GATE (Cluster) SOCIAL STUDIES: Not based on GATE identification SCIENCE: Not based on GATE identification
CONTENT What is taught and learned? PROCESS How the content is taught and learned? PRODUCT What the student does to show evidence of what is learned In Language Arts there is no separate GATE curriculum. All students will receive differentiated instruction. Differentiated instruction is not the same as different instruction. Differentiation is the same standards for all students with changes to the way students experience content, skills, and assessment. Depending on the class and teacher, students will have many different experiences. All students are taught in a manner that develops critical thinking skills.
DEFINED Heterogeneous It is from the roots hetero meaning other or different and genus meaning class or kind It is also a place where all student needs, including GATE, will be met
DEFINED Homogeneous It is from the roots homo meaning same and genus meaning class or kind It is not a class full of geniuses
GATE cluster classes are a great place for students who want or need: An inclusive experience Flexible grouping Organizational support Academic challenge as well as support in some academic areas A challenge without extra stress and competition A push to achieve his or her potential A leadership role in the classroom To be at the top of the class Less pressure in school because of extra-curricular activities
Homogeneous GATE is a great place for students who are: Self-motivated Self-directed Self-assured Self-disciplined Confident Verbally advanced Enjoy learning challenges Mature for their age and have outstanding citizenship Homogeneous GATE is not an appropriate setting for students who: Lack motivation Have difficulty completing assignments Require frequent parent/teacher monitoring to stay on task Rely on others to serve them the curriculum Have difficulty with organization
Data Findings – GATE vs. non- GATE High School AP Participation GATE status has no bearing on AP class performance as measured by grades. The chances of earning a grade of C or better in AP coursework were equal for GATE and non-GATE students.
Homogeneous vs. Cluster GATE (middle school) High School GATE students who were enrolled in homogeneous GATE classes for at least two years during grades 6-8: –are not more likely than GATE cluster students to enroll in and succeed in AP coursework –are not more likely than GATE cluster students to be Advanced on CST ELA –are slightly more likely than GATE cluster students to have a 3.5 GPA or higher
Data Summary A significant number of non-GATE students, at every grade level, achieve at levels above those of GATE students, based on data from all available measures. A significant number of GATE students, at all grade levels, do not achieve at levels commensurate with their aptitude. The number of GATE students who underachieve increases as GATE students matriculate through the grade levels. Middle school and high school achievement does not appear to be impacted by middle school homogeneous vs. cluster GATE placement.
Great Internet Resources for Parents uHoagies Gifted Education Page: great site which even includes contests and resources: uGifted and Talented World Page: Links to hundreds of helpful resources: uCalifornia Association for the Gifted: uSupporting Emotional Needs of Gifted (SENG): SENG is dedicated to fostering environments in which gifted adults and children, in all their diversity, understand and accept themselves and are understood, valued, nurtured, and supported by their families, schools, workplaces and communities.
Great Book/Periodical Resources for Children and Parents Adderholt-Elliot, M. (1989). Perfectionism: Whats So Bad About Being Good? Minneapolis: Free Spirit Cohen, L.M. (1996). Coping for Capable Kids. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. Galbraith, J. (1984). The Gifted Kids Survival Guide: For Ages 10 & Under. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Galbraith, J. (1996). The Gifted Kids Survival Guide: A Teen Handbook. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Halsted, J.W. (1994). Some of My Best Friends are Books: Guiding gifted readers. Dayton, OH: Gifted Psychology Press
More Great Book/Periodical Resources for Children and Parents Smutny, J.F. (2001). Stand Up for Your Gifted Child. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Streznewski, M. (1999) Gifted GrownUps. New York: John Wiley & Sons Webb, J.T. (1994). Guiding the Gifted Child. Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology Press Walker, S.Y. (1991). The Survival Guide for Parents of Gifted Kids. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Parenting for High Potential (a publication of the National Association for Gifted Children. For information, contact them at