Social services and social dialogue in LT Guoda Vaičekauskaitė 18 December 2018 Guoda Vaičekauskaitė Aušra Bagdonaitė
General statistics Population – 2 794 thousands Disabled – 253 thousands Elderly people (+65) – 547 thousands Children – 533 thousands
WHAT SOCIAL SERVICES ARE: Social services – the services aimed at providing assistance to a person (family) who, by reason of his age, disability, social problems, partially or completely lacks, has not acquired or has lost the abilities or possibilities to independently care for his private (family) life and to participate in society. LAW ON SOCIAL SERVICES
PURPOSE OF SOCIAL SERVICES To create conditions for the person (family) to develop or strengthen the abilities and possibilities to independently solve their social problems, to maintain social relations with the society, to help overcome social exclusion. Social services provided to prevent and solve social problems, to ensure social security.
SOCIAL SERVICES RECIPIENTS Children without parental care Elderly people Disabled children and adults Children and adults at social risk Families at social risk
SOCIAL SERVICE TYPES Common Special Social attendance Social Services Directory (SAD ministro 2006 m. balandžio 5 d. įsakymas Nr.A1-93) Common Special Provided to a person (family) whose ability to independently take care of a personal (family) life and participate in a society can be developed or compensated, without permanent specialist assistance. informing counseling mediation catering organization, supply of essential clothing and footwear, organization of transport socio-cultural services organization of personal hygiene and care services, etc. Provided to a person (family) whose ability to independently take care of a personal (family) life and participate in a society cannot be developed or compensated by common services is not enough. Social attendance help at home development and support of social skills accommodation in an independent living home temporary overnight stay psychosocial assistance accommodation in crisis centers Social care (day, short-term, long-term)
SOCIAL SERVICE MANAGEMENT INSTITUTIONS Ministry of Social Security and Labor Municipalities the Department of Supervision of Social Services under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour.
MINISTRY OF SOCIAL SECURITY AND LABOR: Implements policy of social services (submit proposals to the Government, prepare draft of acts on the regulation of social services and social work; analyzes and evaluates social services and makes proposals to municipalities; prepares and implements social services programs and projects and etc.) SADM įgyvendina 38 įstaigų savininko teises ir pareigas (32 suaugusių, 6 vaikų) ir yra vienos įstaigos dalininkė
MUNICIPALITIES (1) Provides social services to residents; Controls the quality of general social services and social attendance.
MUNICIPALITIES (2) Plans: Organizes: assess and analyze the needs of social services; determine the scale and type of social services; assess and determine the need of financing for social services. the assessment of the need of a person (family) for social services; according to the needs allocates social services; assesses the person's financial ability to pay for social services; buys social services; establishes, re-organises and liquidates social service institutions and ensures their functioning; prepares and implements municipal social services programs and projects.
SOCIAL SERVICES SUPERVISION DEPARTMENT Evaluates, supervises and controls the quality of social services (provides methodological assistance, evaluates the quality of social care, provides licenses for the provision of social care, checks licensed activities, etc.)
SOCIAL SERVICE PROVIDERS Common social services and social attendance are provided by those social service institutions whose sphere of activities is the provision of social services and the provision of social services complies with the requirements of legislation.
Social care institutions
Recipients of social services Gavėjų skaičius iš viso – 201 tūkst.; Iš jų ilgalaikė globa (stacionariose įstaigose) apie 16 tūkst. pagalba namuose apie 35 tūkst. dienos centruose 49,5 tūkst. nakvynės namuose, krizių centruose apie 16 tūkst.
Staff providing social services
PAYMENT FOR SOCIAL SERVICES The amount to be paid for social services is established taking into consideration: the type of the social services provided to a person (family); the financial possibilities of the person (family) to pay for the social services. Informavimo, konsultavimo, tarpininkavimo ir atstovavimo paslaugos teikiamos nemokamai. Asmeniui (šeimai), teisės aktų nustatyta tvarka gaunančiam socialinę pašalpą, arba asmeniui, kurio pajamos yra mažesnės už VRP dvigubą dydį (244 eur), bendrosios socialinės paslaugos ir socialinė priežiūra teikiama nemokamai. Savivaldybė turi teisę atleisti asmenį nuo mokėjimo už socialines paslaugas.
MAIN PRIORITY AREAS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Integrity of help Community based services Case management Person-centered approach Complexity of help Mobility of help
Social dialogue in Lithuania Regulation Institutionalised social dialogue bodies Recent results of social dialogue Key challenges for social dialogue Social dialogue in social services
Regulation (1) The Labour Code: The status of employer organisations The status of trade unions as parties of collective bargaining Collective bargaining and conclusion of collective agreements Information and consultation Setting tripartite and bipartite social councils Collective labour disputes over rights and over interests
Regulation (2) The Labour Code creates incentives for collective bargaining: - in favorem and in peius regulation by collective agreements (e.g. working time) - derogations from almost all provisions of the Labour Code by sectoral, territorial and national (cross-sectoral collective agreements) if the balance between parties is achieved - collective agreements are applied only for trade union members (some exceptions at the employer level)
Institutionalised social dialogue The Tripartite Council: composed by members of national trade unions and employer organisations, rep. of the Government responsible for social, labour and related economic matters not only consultative and advisory body, but also decision making Specialised tripartite and bipartite social councils by the sectoral CA in social services
Resent results of social dialogue More collective agreements at sectoral level in public sector – sectoral CA on social services National collective agreement on basic salary National agreement on structural reforms – gives more influential role for social partners
Key challenges for social dialogue Weak trade unions Lack of trust between trade unions and employer organisations Absence of trade unions’ representativeness criteria Lack of collective agreements in private sector
Sectoral CA on social services Sectoral CA concluded 18 May 2018 Applied for TU members in 35 social services enterprises which operates in 24 municipalities (19 – budget enterprises; 16 - social care institutions under the Ministry; employees - 3.200 - 1.000 TU members) CA renewed on annual basis Normative clauses (remuneration system; conditions for the improvement of professional competence; guarantees for TU activities)
Renewal of sectoral CA on social services (1) Svarstomi klausimai, dėl kurių planuojama derėtis: Dėl šakos minimalios pareiginės algos dydžių; Dėl įstaigų sąrašo papildymo ir Sutarties taikymo bei sutarties taikymo naujiems profesinių sąjungų nariams; Dėl profesinės sąjunginės veiklos vystymo; Dėl Šakos dvišalės tarybos nuostatų ir teritorinių dvišalių tarybų pavyzdinių nuostatų; Esamų nuostatų tikslinimas;
Renewal of sectoral CA on social services (2) Current collective bargaining: minimum salary amounts supplement the list of new enterprises and application of CA for new TU members development of TU activities provisions of the Bilateral council of social services and the exemplary provisions of the territorial bilateral councils