Moving Multiple Components in GElectric (V 9.4.3) When you need to move, stretch or make room at an intersection where multiple component types meet (lines and individual components like a label or feature symbol), you can easily grab all of the components and utilize Manipulate Vertex. Using the Select Tool, right click and change the selecting option to Only Selected Components. Fence the area containing the features you would like to move. If all components are not selected in the fence, hold down the Ctrl key to add other components. Select your Edit Tool and right click to Manipulate Vertex. Fence the vertices of the components you would like to move. If all vertices are not selected in the fence, hold down the Ctrl key to add other vertices. Right click and select Move and proceed as you would with right mouse click selecting a point in the features you are moving (Snap to vertex or in the general area), move the facilities and right click to finish the move. Select Tool Edit Tool 2 4 5
Placing Multiples of the Same Feature (V 9.4.3) For use when placing multiples of the same New Feature where the default attribution does not require editing upon placement of each feature (or attribution can be changed in multiple features at once using the Edit Common Attributes command.) This method eliminates the need to click on the “Save and Continue” button to place the next feature. For FortisAlberta, the placement of our Underground Service Leads matches this description. Choose New Feature and select your Service Lead Right Click up in the tool bar and De Select Feature Explorer or Just X out the Feature Explorer - the Construction Aids for drawing will still remain. Place your first conductor, double click to end, and the next click is the first vertex of your next Conductor Feature. 2