By Seferash B Asfa Wossen Strayer University 3rd December 2003 FIREWALLS By Seferash B Asfa Wossen Strayer University 3rd December 2003 4/21/2019
Firewall products offer IP Address Filtering Firewall provides a filter that incoming or outgoing packet must pass through. It perform some sort of accept or reject functionality These filtering firewall products can take many forms. The product may be a independent operating system written with Internet security as the main object. 4/21/2019
Topics of Discussion There are application-specific firewall products that only offer protection for certain types of Internet Connectivity They are SMTP or HTTP There are also hardware-based products. Allowing to set filters for incoming and outgoing connections 4/21/2019
Topic One All firewall products offer IP address filtering. These filters work by examining the header of the IP packet and making pass/fail decisions This type of filtering can provide very basic protection mechanism for a simple LAN (Local Area Network) 4/21/2019
Topic Two It allows you to set your filters so that no incoming traffic from the Internet can access any ports only the ones you want. Since TCP/IP is a peer-to-peer protocol, each node has a unique address. Only solution is to build bi-directional filters into your firewall 4/21/2019
Topic Three There a few problems to identify. They are as follows We would not know what port numbers the servers that we are trying to access are running Hacker may compiled their own network invasion tool to succeed getting through you connection. 4/21/2019
Real Life Firewall blocks any inbound IP packets that do not have TCP source port numbers that match specific services such as WWW (World Wide Web) 4/21/2019
What This Means Firewalls alone will not secure your network. In order, to secure corporate network you need to apply the following Security policies which influence two levels of network policy. They are Installation and Use of a system Firewall improves network security and reduces risks to servers by filtering insecure services 4/21/2019
Next Steps The main components in building firewall are: Policy, Advanced authentication, packet filtering and application gateways 4/21/2019