Cold War Part 1 Mr Pack World History
Cold War Nationalists and Communists vie for control of China, work together during WWII against Japanese Nationalists (led by Chiang Kai-Shek) orchestrate the Shanghai massacre, thousands of communists killed Communists (led by Mao Zedong) flee and use guerrilla tactics
Chiang Kai Shek, Mao Zedong
Cold War Long March- Mao and forces retreat to last communist base in North, 6,000 mile trip. 90,000 troops start only 9,000 survive. Peasants support communists (because of land redistribution) America sends limited aid to nationalists but do not directly intervene
Cold War Mao's communist forces win Chiang Kai-Shek forces retreat to Taiwan Mao's government starts the Great Leap Forward- peasants forced into huge communes/farms (30,000 people) Great Leap Forward is a complete failure, 15 million starve Reasons for failure 1) Poor weather conditions (famine) 2) Peasants dislike forced labor
Cold War Mao believe is permanent revolution- constant revolution needed, political leaders frequently replaced Red guards- young people who were encouraged by Mao to destroy old ideas, old culture, old customs, old habits Little Red Book- Written by Mao, becomes source of all important knowledge
Red Guards, Little Red Book
Cold War Cold War- ideological conflict, Soviet Union vs U.S. Form 1945-1989 Yalta Conference- United Nations formed, after Germany's unconditional surrender, Germany is divided into 4 zones to be controlled by America, Great Britain, France and Soviet Union. Berlin (located in Soviet Union controlled territory) is also divided into 4 zones
Yalta conference with Churchill
Cold War Conflicts After War Europe is in turmoil and many governments are shattered. U.S. President Truman (who also decided to drop the atomic bombs) favors self-determination- citizens of countries decide their own system of government Stalin wishes to surround Soviet Union with “friendly” governments to provide protection (buffer zone) these countries eventually become satellite nations (controlled by Soviet Union)
Cold War Truman doctrine- U.S. Will provide money (aid) to countries threatened by Communism Marshall Plan- American money invested into rebuilding Europe after WWII Soviet Union and “friendly” countries decide to abstain from Marshall Plan Great Britain Prime Minister Churchill gives “iron curtain” speech, signaling that Europe has become divided into 2 hostile camps
Truman, Iron Curtain
Responder 1 Question 1 He was the leader of the Communist forces in CHINA. A) Chiang Kai-Shek B) Hirohito C) Tojo D) Mao Zedong
Responder 1 Question 2 Why did the peasants support the Chinese Communists? A) The communists advocated for religious freedom B) The communists favored land redistribution C) The communists promised to lower taxes D) The communists supported free speech
Responder 1 Question 3 The purpose of this was to provide aid to European countries devastated by WWII. Truman doctrine Stalin doctrine Marshall Plan Stalin Plan
Responder 1 Question 4 The United Nations was formed at this conference that officially ended WWII in Europe. Potsdam Conference Paris Conference Versailles Conference Yalta Conference
Responder 1 Question 5 Countries that were controlled by the Soviet Union after WWII were known as… Puppet nations Buffer nations Red nations Satellite nations
Responder 2 Question 1 What role did Red Guards play in communist China? A) They destroyed items that represented old culture, customs, and habits B) They were Chairman Mao's personal bodyguards C) They were the secret police D) They were a special commando force
Responder 1 Question 5 The Great Leap forward... A) was a great success, creating new jobs B) changed China to an industrialized country to rival the U.S.A C) A disaster, causing the deaths of millions due to starvation D) Almost lead to WWIII by causing a rivalry with Russia
Responder 2 Question 2 Which of the following countries did NOT control parts of Germany after WWII? Japan Great Britain U.S.A. Soviet Union
Responder 1 Question 2 The communist forces retreat of over 6000 miles in China is known as... A) Death March B) Boxer Rebellion C) Long March D) Bataan Walk
Responder 2 Question 4 This was issued by the U.S. to provide aid to countries that were threatened by communism. Truman doctine Stalin doctrine Marshall Plan Stalin Plan