District Cluster Meetings for Spring 2019 Copyright © Babcock IP Management (Number One) Limited, 2018. No unauthorised copying permitted.
Housekeeping Toilets Refreshments Phones Format of the meeting Copyright © Babcock IP Management (Number One) Limited, 2018. No unauthorised copying permitted.
Content Local - Guest speakers - Peep Programme - School Readiness- Questionnaire National -Ofsted inspection framework – Draft Framework Leadership and Management Reflecting on your setting Quality of curriculum - rich learning Planning your environment/has it earnt its place Leadership and Management Toolkit
Ofsted – Education Inspection Framework 2019 Ofsted launched its consultation on the 2019 education inspection framework- The draft framework, sets out how Ofsted proposes to inspect schools, further education and skills provision and registered early years settings. From September 2019 There are two draft handbooks: The draft ‘Early years handbook’ applies to providers registered on the Early Years Register. The draft ‘Schools handbook’ applies to early years provision run and managed directly by the school’s governing body (2 – 5 years). Access draft materials on the Gov.uk website - Consultations section The consultation closes at 11:45pm on 5th April 2019
Changes to Inspection Judgements
Curriculum will be at the heart of the new framework Key considerations for Early Years Curriculum will be at the heart of the new framework Word Gap will be huge Physical Development – risk
Curriculum will be at the heart of the new framework The EYFS (educational programmes) provides the curriculum framework that leaders build on to decide what they intend children to learn and develop (intent) Leaders and practitioners decide how to implement the curriculum so that children make progress in the seven areas of learning (implementation) Leaders and practitioners evaluate the impact of the curriculum by checking what children know and can do (impact)
Intent- What? Implementation – How? Impact – so what? Focus : Curriculum The 3 I’s Intent- What? Implementation – How? Impact – so what?
EYFS themes and Principles Copyright © Babcock IP Management (Number One) Limited, 2017. No unauthorised copying permitted.
Planned Purposeful Play What different evidence could we gather from observing children engaging in these ‘play based’ activities? Mini Me Challenges Learners Labs Photo Plenaries I’ve Caught You Moments
Getting the Balance Right Implement – How ? Know your children Learning sequences Pitch and Match Dips and Gaps Reinforcement Extension Enrichment Mastery Getting the Balance Right Child Initiated Learning/ Adult led learning
Implement includes -Environment Has the resource/ area earned its place?
Impact Appropriate intent +Appropriate implementation = increase in knowledge, skills and progress. Right for the child Right provision Right time
Word Gap
Physical Development Children are physically active in their play, developing their physiological, cardiovascular and motor skills. Show good control and coordination in both large and small motor movements appropriate to their stage of development Are Children physically challenged? Do we allow children to take “safe risks”?
Introducing the Early Years Evaluation toolkit Developed in Worcestershire – Schools toolkit Early Years toolkit Why? Demand What will it do? Rigorous and robust tool for setting evaluation Organise - Information all in one place Reflect on quality of learning/teaching and current inspection framework.
Local School Readiness Key performance indicator for Worcestershire County Council
Complete the questionnaire via this link Schools and settings have told us that children are often not ready to start school or early education so we'd like to hear your views. Some children often need support with independence and self-care, routines and boundaries and separation from a parent/carer. Your answers to this questionnaire will help Worcestershire County Council and its partners to improve the information, advice and support available to help parents/carers support their children with starting schools or early education. Complete the questionnaire via this link
Questions? Copyright © Babcock IP Management (Number One) Limited, 2017. No unauthorised copying permitted.
Thank you for attending Safe journey home Copyright © Babcock IP Management (Number One) Limited, 2017. No unauthorised copying permitted.