CONTENTS Cosmological Background Thermal Evolution of a Primordial Gas - Dark matter, dark energy, and light elements Thermal Evolution of a Primordial Gas - Physics at high densities (chemistry, radiative transfer) - Chemo-thermal instability and fragmentation - Accretion physics and the mass of the first stars Formation of Primordial Stars in a Reionized Gas - 10-40Msun primordial stars and hypernovae/GRB Primordial Stars and Dark Matter
PRIMORDIAL STAR FORMATION A ’SIMPLE’ PROBLEM The Initial Condition: CDM model, Gaussian random density field dark matter + hydrogen-helium gas + CMB The Physics: gravity, hydro., atomic/molecular processes 14 species, equilibrium, non-eq. e, H, H+, H-, H2, H2+, He, He+, He++, D, D+, D-, HD, HD+ 50 reactions + many radiative processes Density evolution to ~1021 cm-3 Initial density field
CONCORDANCE +COLD DARK MATTER MODEL Gaussian random field (inflation) => We need only a power spectrum Energy content Mpc Gpc Length scale
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE 13.7 Gyr FIRST STARS ★★★ 1 Gyr Galaxies Big Bang Dark Age Recombination, CMB last scattered Cosmic Reionization
STAR-FORMATION IN THE EARLY UNIVERSE Cosmological recombination at z = 1089 (380Kyrs) ↓ Non-linear structure formation and dark halo assembly Virialization and H2 formation (gas-phase reaction by left-over e) Molecular cloud formation at the center of DM halos Runaway collapse when a cloud gets large enough (=What cosmology people call “star-formation”)
COSMOLOGICAL MOLECULAR GAS CLOUDS Yellow spots at the intersections of filaments “1 cloud per halo” Host dark halos: M ~ 106 Msun Tvir ~ 1000 K Strongly clustered, large bias Gas distribution@z=17 NY, Abel, Hernquist, Sugiyama (2003, ApJ)
THERMAL EVOLUTION OF A COLLAPSING PRIMORDIAL GAS hydrostatic core real gas effect 104 collision induced emission H2 formation line cooling (NLTE) Effective Equation of State from a first-principle calculation T [K] 3-body reaction Heat release opaque to continuum and dissociation 103 loitering (~LTE) opaque to molecular line adiabatic contraction 102 number density
COSMOLOGICAL SIMULATIONS Standard CDM model Multi-level zoom-in technique final mass resolution 100Mpluto final spatial resolution ~Rsun Hydro, eq/neq-chemistry , radiative processes, etc. etc. NY, Omukai, Hernquist, Abel (2006, ApJ) Gao et al. (2007, MNRAS) NY, Omukai, Hernquist (2007, ApJL)
5pc Self-gravitating cloud 0.3Mpc 0.01pc A new born proto-star with T* ~ 20,000K 0.01pc r ~ 10 Rsun! Fully-molecular core
First stars likely very massive Abel+02, Bromm+02, Omukai & Palla03, Yoshida+06 1 Large Jeans-mass at the onset of collapse (a reservoir of ~ 1000 Msun gas, but overall very low star-formation efficiency) 2 No vigorous fragmentation during the final collapse 3 Large accretion rate (high Tenvelope) dM/dt ~ cs3/G > 0.01 - 0.001 Msun/yr
CHEMO-THERMAL INSTABILITY: NUMERICAL RESULTS 2 1.5 1 0.5 growth parameter tff/tg becomes larger than 1, but always below 2. Perturbation growth and gravitational collpase occur on a similar time scale. The cloud does not fragment to multiple objects Collapse is just accelerated. tfree fall / tgrowth 9 10 11 12 log (n) NY+06,07 ApJ
PRIMORDIAL PROTO-STAR - A TINY SEED IN A LARGE CLOUD Gas accretion on to A hydrostatic core (a proto star) There stands a strong accretion shock 原始星の半径(accretion shock) と質量の進化を計算 accretion shock hydrostatic core outer envelope
ACCRETION RATE AND PROTOSTAR EVOLUTION dM/dt = 0.1-0.001 Msun/yr MZAMS = 60-100 Msun NY, Omukai, Hernquist, Abel (2006) We used the obtained accretion rate as an input to the proto-stellar evolution calculation
PRIMORDIAL STAR FORMATION IN A CDM UNIVERSE No fragmentation is observed during the prestellar collapse. The parent cloud is a single ~300 Msun cloud at the center of a cosmological mini-halo. The collapsing cloud is stable against gravitational deformation, too. A tiny proto-stellar seed with mass ~ 0.01 Msun is formed first. Proto-stellar evolution calculations give MZAMS ~ 100 Msun
PRIMORDIAL BINARIES: ROTATION-INDUCED BREAK UP Simulations by Machida+ 07 Binaries and multiples are common products in the final collapse stage Tabulated EoS, highly symmetic set-up Cosmological set-up 1AU
RADIATION STOPS ACCRETION Semi-analytic model calculation by McKee & Tan 60-300 Msun 10 100 1000 Mstar
First stars massive or very massive ? Recent theoretical works and simulations mostly suggest the first generations stars are rather massive (> 100Msun) In the elemental abundance patterns of galactic very metal-poor stars, there is no indication for pair-instability supernova (with progenitor mass 140-260 Msun). Why ?
The first light and 2nd generation stars Radiation-hydrodynamic simulation of early cosmic reionization Effect of HD cooling in the ‘late’ collapsing object T [K] TCMB at z=16 NY, Oh, Kitayama, Hernquist (2007, ApJ)
2nd generation primordial star NY, Omukai, Hernquist (2007, ApJL, 667, 117) Primordial stars in a reionized gas are not very massive 1st star Hydrogen-burning starts at M~30Msun MZAMS ~ 40Msun Mcloud ~ 40Msun 2nd. gen. star with HD cooling
Reionization and 2nd gen. stars 1 Parent gas cloud mass, accretion rate both substantially smaller than “ordinary” PopIII cases => M < 40 Msun 2 The progenitor mass of the supernova that triggered the formation of the OBSERVED HMP stars is suggested to be ~ 20-40 Msun (Iwamoto et al. 2005) 3 Also in a hypernova-GRB progenitor mass range: Massive primordial stars formed during/after reionization might trigger high-z GRBs.
SF IN A LOW-METALLICITY GAS Omukai et al. 2005 Dust thermal emission is likely to be a key mechanism for low-mass star formation
First stars and dark matter Warm Dark Matter simulation Gao & Theuns (2007, Science) Neutralinos as dark matter Spolyer et al. (2007, PRD)
Primordial star formation Things to explore further: Theory: accretion process, feedback from proto-star (early formation stage done.) Observation: HMP search and hunting for evidence of (non-)existence of very massive stars and pair-instability SN.