City of Charlottesville ~ A Green City ~ Moores Creek Stream Improvement Projects Kristel Riddervold Environmental Sustainability Manager I am looking forward to share with you information on a major stream restoration project that has been underway begin on Meadow Creek.
Source: University of Virginia Reminder…where are we? Source: University of Virginia Source: StreamWatch
Source: University of Virginia Source: StreamWatch
What stream? What’s the problem? Moores Creek Tributary of the Rivanna River 35 mi2 watershed covering of parts of Albemarle and Charlottesville Southern border of the City Listed as “impaired” due to bacteria levels Listed as “impaired” due to poor aquatic life quality…with sediment as a key stressor Sediment is soil that has been washed off the land during rain storms and soil that is scoured from the stream banks by fast moving water.
What are some solutions? Reduce bacteria Pet waste management Septic system repairs and rapid response to sewer infrastructure problems Reduce sediment loading Improve urban stormwater management Implement best practices on agricultural land Reduce streambank erosion
Turning Obstacles into Opportunities 2014 – Moores Creek Corridor Study The likely causes of instability include…increases in runoff from surrounding urban development, … altered drainage patterns, past stream realignment and channelization, removal of woody riparian vegetation, debris jams, … These impacts are characteristic of urban streams and contribute to degraded water quality, safety hazards, lack of biodiversity, increased flooding, loss of property and property damage. Localized causes of instability exist as well including debris jams, infrastructure obstructions, and compromised trees.
Quarry Park – Low Water Crossing (2014)
Quarry Park Pedestrian Bridge Replacement (2014)
Abandoned Bridge Abutments – near Avon St Ext (2016)
Moores Creek Dam – Partial Removal (2017)
Successes and Motivation Improvements to the stream system and transition of stream corridor into public ownership improves potential for trout stocking interest While the key “manmade” structures on Moores Creek have been removes and stream has been stabilized at these points, we continue to face with urban stream improvement needs Education, Awareness, Interest are key