“The straight line is the tool of the devil”. 1. Think of a word that best describes Hundertwasser’s work. We will go around the classroom and each person will say their word to produce a string of words. 2. Copy these words down around your pencil crayon copy as well as the quote: “The straight line is the tool of the devil”. 5 minutes 5 minutes
REVIEW PREVIEW What activities did you do last lesson? What skills, knowledge or understanding did you learn? Consider what skills you would like to develop this lesson through the following activities PREVIEW 2
Learning Objectives You will: What I’m looking for… Learn to select the most successful areas of your work. Learn to develop your work to be used for a different purpose Further develop your skills in pencil crayon blending Learn how to use the things you have looked at to influence your own personal work. What I’m looking for… A Hundertwasser style coil drawing which shows the striped characteristics and colour patterns of Hundertwasser’s work and that shows you understand the process to be undertaken in ceramic coil building.
Watch a teacher demonstration on how to produce a coil drawing in the style of Hundertwasser
Turn to your overlapping drawing to use to create a Hundertwasser style image. 2. Place the tracing paper over your overlapping drawing. When you are happy with your selection trace the selected area and transfer it onto a piece of cartridge paper. Add a striped effect to your image and colour it using pencil crayon. The stripes should be about 6mm in width and colour choices should show influence from the work of Hundertwasser. This image will be used to create your coil clay piece! 45 minutes 5
PREP.WORK Make sure your coil drawing is entirely complete including colour.
5 minutes Turn to the back of your sketchbook and thinking about the learning objectives from the start of the lesson, tick each statement that you feel confident you have learnt. Now at the right-hand side, write down one specific thing that you have learnt today that you didn’t know before. Learning Objectives You will: Learn to select the most successful areas of your work. Learn to develop your work to be used for a different purpose Further develop your skills in pencil crayon blending Learn how to use the things you have looked at to influence your own personal work.