Final Project and Mod 10 Today, I am going to explain about the final project first and then explain the mod 10. If you look at the schedule on page 3, the final project is due on Monday 4/22 on lecture time. That means you have exactly 3 weeks to finish the final project. For the module 10, you should finish it by next week. The mod 10 will be graded with the final project that means, we won’t grade your mod 10 next week but if you finish the mod 10 you can check the numbers with me next week and turn the correct mod 10 for the final project. So, try to finish mod 10 and check the numbers with me and turn it in with the final project, ok? So, next week, we will check your mod 10 in class and you can make correction. The following week which is 4/17, we will have a help hour for the final project. So if you have questions, you can come and see me during that time. But it would be fine if you work at home on that day. So, attendance for the 4/17 will not be mandatory. Remember, the final project is due on 4/22 in the lecture time, ok?
Final Project (pp. 111 -112) Spreadsheet: Mod 2, 3, 4, 6, & 10 Formula sheet: Mod 2 & 3 All spreadsheets and formula sheets must be corrected. 6-month buying plan MEMO One page single spaced (size 12 font, 1” margins) Graphs or charts could be included. Look at the page 110, 111, and 112. There are guidelines about mod 10 and the final project and the evaluation sheet for the final project. Read the guidelines carefully and prepare your final project well. Mod 2 covers all mod 1 so, you don’t need to turn it in. And mod 5 was skipped, remember? Zee sun entered all numbers for you so, you don’t need to turn it in. The other thing is you need to write a memo about your 6 month buying plan. Assume that you are a buyer in our department and you develop a 6-month buying plan for the up-coming season and you need to get an approval of this buying plan from your merchandising supervisor to start. So, memo is very important to explain all your buying plan to your supervisor. As I told you, you could use charts or graphs in your memo but in a separate page, because memo needs at least one page explanation. But when you include charts or graphs, you need to explain the importance of your charts of graphs. Without specific explanation, those charts and graphs do not mean anything. That means you need to develop charts or graphs with important variables what you want to explain and convince your supervisor. Again, you could add charts or graphs in a separate page but you must refer those things in your memo and explain them.
Descriptions about the Memo Follow the format: Why your plan and budget should be approved. Explain: target market, store image, & consumer buying trends Look at the page 111 and the middle of the page, there is a format of your memo. Your memo starts with date that you are writing a memo, to your department merchandising manager, from you and the subject is about 6-month buying plan. Then explain your plan. You could start with explaining current target market and their buying trends or OTB $,%. But when I read the previous students memo paper, starting with giving a total OTB budget for your buying plan would be very impressive to me. You ask your total OTB budget and explain how you will use this money by each class, month, style, and so on. Your opening paragraph, must get attention of your supervisor. So, think about how you start your memo. In your memo, you need explain about our target…. Do you remember when we did this? In mod 1, we discussed our target customers and consumer segments by each class, right? And also in your projection paper, we discussed about current market and consumer buying trends. Probably, you could use those information and support your increase/decrease of each class. (Actually, we decided increase/decrease of each class in mod 2 class time.)
About the Memo: Explain the rationale for OTB units, OTB $ or/and OTB % for each class, style, month, different priced goods, & vendors Explain key figures- % are preferred (i.e. GM, TO, Reductions, GMROI) Use businesslike writing style Use outside references Use binder or folder Your memo also have the rationale for OTB units/$/%. Also explain some important figures in % such as Since your supervisor doesn’t have enough time to read several pages of your memo, each important numbers should be explained decisively. Also use outside references to support your suggestions or trends. Provide the references in a separate page.
Mod 10 (p. 110) 10A: from Mod 3 10B: from Mod 2 10C: from Mod 10A & 10B (pp.96-98) Due next week: complete Mod 10 A and 10B in order to check your numbers. This work will not be graded until you turn in your final project. Now you need to mod 10. Mod 10 consists of 3 parts. I will explain these in spreadsheet.
Mod 10 Lab attendance is optional Nov. 20 and December 4 No lab November 27 (day before Thanksgiving)