Vendredi 11 mai Français I Vendredi 11 mai Français I 1. Write 2 interesting facts about French Guyana 2. Where is it? 3. What are the names of the three prison islands ? 4. Name one famous prisoner La rafle Quiz
La Rafle (20 points) Cite 2 scenes where you see French civilians who are against the Jewish, what do they do or say? Write 3 scenes where non Jewish French people helped or attempted to help the Jewish People in any way Cite 2 scenes where the French people are shocked or perplexed about what is happening Briefly tell 1 scene that deeply moved, surprised and taught you something about the Occupation of France. 5. According to your historical judgement and background knowledge, what seems to be the most realistic scene and the least realistic scene, explain?
Vendredi 11 mai Français II Vendredi 11 mai Français II 1. Write 2 interesting facts about French Guyana 2. Where is it? 3. What are the names of the three prison islands ? 4. Name one famous prisoner Quiz face. Quiz on body Monday 5 P 128 Espace cahier 1, 2, 3 - orally, 4 P 133-134 Lui et leur P 472
Le visage
Vendredi 11 mai Français PreAP/AP Vendredi 11 mai Français PreAP/AP 1. Write 2 interesting facts about French Guyana 2. Where is it? 3. What are the names of the three prison islands ? 4. Name one famous prisoner Corrections essay over due Correction emails Listenings 15-16 Présentations Subjonctif Alicia. Petit Nicolas