Agile Personal Development Journey I. "I matter!” II. Agile journey III.Our team creativity IV. Performing as TOP team Better; …; understand my strong personal capabilities. Under teamdynamics How to be more successful with by using my capabilities Agile Personal Development Journey IT US WE This journey is offered to you by:0 and Contact us: Aneta from Bio Inspired Think Tank 06-19 39 04 65 or Jan Vrencken from Your Professional Coach 06-12 99 09 08 I Session I I Introduction of each participant to the group. Learn about your strongest capabilities. Create your own power statement. Get inspired by power statements of the other participants. Session II WE “It is not about a fast destination, it is about the Agile journey..." What does working in an agile environment mean. How agile are you and are we. We will perform an ‘agile test’ Applying the most trendy team methodology. Brainstorm on how to develop working in an agile environment Session III US “The only unique contribution that we will ever make in this world will be born of our creativity”. Update your personal power-statement with new insights Creative team activity to experience teamwork in an agile environment. Various stages of becoming a TOP team SESSION IV IT ‘’If you change the way you look at things, things you look at will change’’ Reflect on personal learnings during this session Feed forward thoughts for further personal development Consolidation actions to embed your current learnings. Place: Leiden Bioscience Park Place: Leiden Bioscience Park Place:, Leiden Bioscience Park Place: Leiden Bioscience Park