Cal Hi is Currently Offering 16 AP Courses in 6 Different Departments
What is AP? Advanced Placement Programs (AP) courses give you a head start on college while youre still in the supportive environment of a high school classroom. (College Board, 2004)
Why Take Advanced Placement Courses?
Why AP? Studies show that taking challenging courses in high school is a better predictor of who will get a bachelors degree than their GPA or class rank Studies show that taking challenging courses in high school is a better predictor of who will get a bachelors degree than their GPA or class rank 85 percent of those who took AP courses continued their education after high school. 85 percent of those who took AP courses continued their education after high school. Students who participate in AP classes in high school receive average course grades better than 3.00 in college Students who participate in AP classes in high school receive average course grades better than 3.00 in college Source: College Board website Source: College Board website
Why AP Courses? Earn academic scholarships and awards Earn academic scholarships and awards Earn college credits by passing the AP exams Earn college credits by passing the AP exams Stand out in the admission process Stand out in the admission process Experience a college level course and exam. Experience a college level course and exam. Develop skills knowledge base to excel in college. Develop skills knowledge base to excel in college.
Cal Hi Academies Architecture and Engineering Architecture and Engineering Business Business Health Health Hospitality House/Culinary Arts Hospitality House/Culinary Arts Automobile Technology (ROP 11 th and 12 th ) Automobile Technology (ROP 11 th and 12 th )
Other Opportunities Band/Orchestra Chorus/Choir Athletics Drama Dance Art
Thank You From California High School Condors
Additional Student Support For more information contact: Lora Yorch ext Or visit the website at: /site/default.asp
What is the GATE program at the high school level? The GATE program provides differentiated instruction and enrichment of the curriculum in the regular classroom The GATE program provides differentiated instruction and enrichment of the curriculum in the regular classroom GATE students are encouraged to participate in honors and AP classes GATE students are encouraged to participate in honors and AP classes
GATE funds are used in the GATE funds are used in the classroom to provide teacher training, purchase supportive instructional materials and provide additional tutorials for Advanced Placement exams. classroom to provide teacher training, purchase supportive instructional materials and provide additional tutorials for Advanced Placement exams. GATE funds are also used to provide college field trips and enrichment through field trips. GATE funds are also used to provide college field trips and enrichment through field trips.
Some activities from previous years… This years students visited UC San Diego college for a tour and presentation This years students visited UC San Diego college for a tour and presentation They attended the musical Wicked at the Pantages They attended the musical Wicked at the Pantages Students also saw the play The Diary of Anne Frank Students also saw the play The Diary of Anne Frank In May GATE students are invited to see the science exhibit Body Works at the California Science Center In May GATE students are invited to see the science exhibit Body Works at the California Science Center
Parents are an important part of the GATE program. We will schedule a parent meeting early in the year and survey you for your ideas and suggestions. Parents are an important part of the GATE program. We will schedule a parent meeting early in the year and survey you for your ideas and suggestions. Parents are also invited to meet with the district GATE Coordinator twice a year to give input into the program Parents are also invited to meet with the district GATE Coordinator twice a year to give input into the program