The Columbian Exchange and Colonizing the Americas Maps and Charts
The World Known to Europe, 1492
Europe, Africa, and Southwestern Asia in 1500
Trade Routes with the East
West Africa and the Mediterranean in the Fifteenth Century (p. 21)
Orbis Typus Universalis (p Orbis Typus Universalis (p. 4) John Carter Brown Library, Brown University.
Native American Worlds The First Americans The Mayas and the Aztecs The Indians of the North
Map First Migration.jpg Map: The First Migration
The First Discoverers of America
Peopling of the Americas
The Ice Age and the Settling of the Americas (p. 8)
Map Pre-Columbian Indians.jpg Map: Pre-Columbian Indian Civilizations in Mesoamerica and South America
Major Mesoamerican Cultures, c. 1000 b.c.–a.d. 1519
Major Andean Cultures, 900 b.c.–a.d. 1432
Map Pre-Columbian Indians in North America.jpg Map: Pre-Columbian Indian Civilizations in North America
North American Indian Peoples at the Time of First Contact with Europeans
Native American Peoples, 1492 (p. 10)
Locations of Selected Native American Peoples, a.d. 1500
Europe Encounters Africa and the Americas, 1450-1550 The Renaissance West African Society and Slavery Europe Reaches the Americas The Spanish Conquest
The Columbian Exchange (p. 28)
Major Transatlantic Explorations, 1000–1587
Map Columbus’ Voyages.jpg Map: Columbus's Voyages
Principle Voyages of Discovery
The Eurasian Trade System and European Maritime Ventures, 1500 (p. 23)
Map Norse Discoveries.jpg
Principal Early Spanish Explorations and Conquests
The Spanish Conquest of the Great Indian Civilizations (p. 25)
The Spanish and Portuguese and Empires
Map Spanish Explorations of the Americas.jpg Map: Spanish Explorations of the Mainland
Map Spanish and Portuguese Explorations.jpg
Spain’s North American Frontier, 1542-1823
Balboa with Cross Balboa with cross, 1513
Coronado’s March Coronado's March
Indians worship column
Indians Massacre Priests
The Protestant Reformation and the Rise of England The Protestant Movement The Dutch and the English Challenge Spain The Social Causes of English Colonization
Map English, French and Dutch Explorations.jpg
French landing in the New World French landing in New World
Major Religions in Europe, c. 1560
Religious Diversity in Europe, 1600 (p. 32)
The Yearly Rhythm of Rural Life and Death (p. 16)
The Great Price Inflation and Living Standards in Europe (p. 34)
Structure of English Society, 1688
Decline in Real Wages in England, 1500–1700
European Imperial Claims and Settlements in Eastern North America, 1565–1625
Bartholomew Gosnold Trading with Wampanoag Indians at Martha’s Vineyard (1602)