Discussion Questions 1. Please describe enzymes using as 12/2/14 Discussion Questions 1. Please describe enzymes using as many details as you can. 2. Please complete the Food Label Handout you picked up at the door.
Quick Oral Review Polysaccharides are also known as ________ An example of a carbohydrate is ________ Carbohydrates provide __________energy Lipids provide ___________energy Phospholipids are found in ________ _________ Lipids are made up of ________ and ____ ____ The molecules of heredity are ____ & _____ Proteins are made up of ____ _____ Some functions of proteins include ____, ____, ________. Enzymes bind to _________ Competitive inhibition of an enzyme is _____________ Noncompetitive Inhibition of an enzyme is __________
Reminders Rough Draft of your Abstract is PAST DUE Biochemistry Exam TOMORROW 12-3-14. Chapter 6 Science Fair is on Wed 12/10/14. Everything will be due in class on Monday 12/8/14. 5 pts. EC for turning your project in anytime between 12-3- 14 and 12-5-14. The entire project! Go to room 1135 Tues or Thurs for Science Peer Tutoring during PLC
Root Quiz #6 12/2/14 Print your first and last name List your period Keep your answers covered at all times Each answer is only used once Use Capital Letters! Flip it over when you are finished
Today’s Objective: Objective: Biochemistry and organic compounds. Formation of monomers into polymers by Dehydration synthesis. The breakdown of polymers into monomers. Carbohydrates, Lipids and proteins- structures and functions.
Biomolecules Crash Course http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8WJ2KE NlK0
Review Review for tomorrow's test
Exit Ticket 1. What are the four biomolecule polymers? **use a complete sentence to answer these questions and hand it to me as you exit the classroom 1. What are the four biomolecule polymers? 2. What monomer is a carbohydrate made from? 3. What monomer makes up a protein? 4. What components make up a lipid?
Exit Ticket 1. Please compare and contrast hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis. 2. Carbohydrates are one of the four biologic macromolecules(biomolecules). They are a polymer. What monomer are they made from?
Exit Ticket 2. Please explain where dehydration synthesis 1. Please compare and contrast hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis. 2. Please explain where dehydration synthesis occurs in your body. 3. What biomolecule is cellulose? 4. Why are lipids necessary?
Oral Conclusion Please describe the base pairing rules of DNA and of RNA Describe the structure of DNA 3. How are RNA and DNA different? 4. Describe DNA Replication. 5. Describe Transcription 6. Describe Translation 7. Describe a mutation 8. Describe a Frame Shift Mutation
Oral Conclusion Please give an example of a limiting factor Describe one way humans are impacting the nitrogen cycle Describe one way humans are impacting the carbon cycle How are microorganisms such as bacteria beneficial to an ecosystem? Organism? Give an example of a producer. A consumer Describe biological magnification. Give an example of an abiotic factor. A biotic factor. Describe an invasive species and give an example. Why does only 10% of the energy move from trophic level to trophic level? How is primary succession different from secondary succession? Compare and contrast natural and artificial selection. Give an example of evolution. Describe two – evidence of evolution. Compare and contrast natural and artificial selection Compare and contrast eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells How are plant and animal cells different?