What are Buyer Personas? Buyer personas are usually fictional representations of your ideal customer. For this class, you are going to pick a REAL person. Someone you know or know of. The persona will be based on this person, along with educated guess about their personal history, motivations, and concerns. NOTE: This Buyer Persona is adapted from Hubspot
How are Buyer Personas Created? “Buyer personas are created through research, surveys, and interview of your target audience. That includes a mix of customers – both “good” and “bad” – prospects, and those outside of your contact database who might align with your target audience. You’ll collect data that is both qualitative and quantitative to paint a picture of who your ideal customer is, what the value, and how your solution fits into their daily lives.” - Hubspot
PERSONA DETAILS 4 BACKGROUND: Basic details about persona’s role Key information about the persona’s company Relevant background info, like education or hobbies DEMOGRAPHICS: Gender Age Range HH Income (include spouse or partner’s income if relevant) Is your persona urban, suburban, or rural? 4
PERSONA DETAILS IDENTIFIERS: Lingo and/or buzzwords Mannerisms GOALS: Persona’s primary goal Persona’s secondary goal CHALLENGES: Primary challenge to persona’s success Secondary challenge to persona’s success
PERSONA DETAILS HOW WE HELP: How you solve your persona’s challenges How you help your persona achieve goals REAL QUOTES: Include a few real quotes – taken during interviews, from customer reviews, etc. – that represent your persona well. This will make it easier for you to relate to and understand you persona. COMMON OBJECTIONS: Why he/she won’t buy. common objections this person will think or bring up during the selling process.
PERSONA DETAILS CIRCUMSTANCES: Your persona’s current experience that makes them a viable prospect. For example, if you sell a product to someone who just had surgery, demographics may not be as important as the fact that all your customers are in the same circumstances at the moment. MARKETING MESSAGING: ELEVATOR PITCH: