Reconstruction (with permission) of a group VR session depicting the participant’s (yellow avatar, background) relationship to another individual (blue avatar, foreground). Reconstruction (with permission) of a group VR session depicting the participant’s (yellow avatar, background) relationship to another individual (blue avatar, foreground). The participant represents their precarious relationship at the edge of a cliff next to the waterfall. They also use a shield to represent protection strategies (safety behaviours) in relation to this other individual. The floating heads around each avatar represents different internal monologues that the participant has attributed to themselves and the other individual. Furthermore, the participant has used the elephant object to represent ‘the elephant in the room’ in terms of what is not being discussed between the two individuals. Caroline J Falconer et al. Evid Based Mental Health doi:10.1136/eb-2017-102761 Copyright © by the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, Royal College of Psychiatrists & British Psychological Society. All rights reserved.