The Harmoni-CA initiative


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Presentation transcript:

The Harmoni-CA initiative 1 The Harmoni-CA initiative and its link with PRBs Harmoni-CA Geo Arnold (Harmoni-CA) Pilot River Basin Workshop Ghent, 4 – 5 October 2004

2 Harmoni-CA A concerted action supported by the European Commission under the 5th Framework Programme and contributing to the implementation of the Key Action “Sustainable Management and Quality of Water” DG Research

Harmoni-CA = Concerted Action 3 Harmoni-CA = Concerted Action 6 Work Packages, 5 leading partners RIZA, The Netherlands , WP 1 & 6 Ghent University, BIOMATH, Belgium, WP 2 PIK, Potsdam, Germany, WP 3 GEUS, Denmark, WP 4 University of Osnabrück, USF, Germany, WP 5 5 years (Oct.’2002 – Oct.’2007) Harmoni-CA "is in the center" of CatchMod

Objectives: To create a forum for: - communication 4 Objectives: To create a forum for: - communication - information exchange and - harmonising the use and development of methodologies and ICT-tools for integrated river basin management plans (IRBMP) To support framework for harmonised tools, incl. guidance To stimulate proper development and use of tools

Role of Harmoni-CA: To facilitate specific activities such as: 5 To facilitate specific activities such as: - identifying and enhancing complementarities between different research projects - disseminating research results, focussing on the project in the EC supported CatchMod modelling cluster 2. To bring together the demand and support for ICT tools and methodologies for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD)

Harmoni-CA Synthesis and co-ordination of WFD related ICT 6 Policy Operational manager Policy makers Methodology provider Technology

7 Lessons learned (CatchMod workshops 2003 & Harmoni-CA Conference 2004): scientists and policy-makers speak a different language different interests (knowledge  process) different agenda’s different time tables

Conclusions of Harmoni-CA Conference (Feb 2004): 8 Big gap between research and technology and policy makers and operational managers (need for a general methodology) Both demand and support side acknowledged usefulness of models and tools for the implementation of WFD Though many tools are available, the usefulness for implementers can be improved Overview of available models and tools for targeted purposes is required Implementers ask for models that are simple to use, which are not necessarily simple models

Need for web-portal with 3 different information levels 9 Need for web-portal with 3 different information levels Public, local authorities / stakeholders Operational managers, methodology and technology providers, policy implementers Policy makers, scientific community, international stakeholders, RTD programme managers (national and EU)

10 Development of a web-portal for the 2nd and 3rd level (approach) An attractive web portal with relevant information for WFD-operational managers relevant = 2004 – 2006 & readily available

Harmoni-CA 11 Research & ICT technology CatchMod projects (DG Research) Data & knowledge case studies Harmoni-CA WFD implementation Water managers (DG Environment)

11 Research & ICT technology CatchMod projects (DG Research) Data & knowledge case studies PRB's WFD Guidances pilots WFD implementation Water managers (DG Environment)

11 Research & ICT technology CatchMod projects (DG Research) offers Data & knowledge offers pilots PRB's WFD Guidances experiences key-issues demands WFD implementation Water managers (DG Environment)

Communication Services Center 11 Research & ICT technology CatchMod projects (DG Research) Data & knowledge offers pilots PRB's WFD Guidances experiences Communication Services Center key-issues demands WFD implementation Water managers (DG Environment)

11 C.S.C Research & ICT technology CatchMod projects (DG Research) Data & knowledge offers pilots PRB's WFD Guidances C.S.C experiences key-issues demands WFD implementation Water managers (DG Environment)

11 Research & ICT technology CatchMod projects offers pilots PRB's Data & knowledge offers pilots PRB's WFD Guidances Experiences Key-issues demands WFD implementation Water managers

Mapping support and demand 12 Mapping support and demand Specialised technical Information (external links) DEMAND-SIDE MAPPING-function SUPPORT-SIDE Several possibilities: * DG-Environment issues * Other methodologies * Other scopes (e.g. national implementation plans) * Filters (e.g. target groups) * Focus (e.g. per member state) ICT TOOLS (models,…) SCOPE WFD Guidance Documents Projects & Cases (PRB – CatchMod) 1. Toelichting offer-side: triangle-concept met onderlinge links en externe links. Belangrijk is de scope zo precies en strak mogelijk te houden (cf. grijze zone van DSS, checklists enz.) 2. Toelichting Demand-side: vanuit verschillende hoeken vragen om die informatie op verschillende manieren voor te stellen (zonder de link met de triangle te verliezen) 3. Toelichting speciale functie van webportal: mapping om zo offer en demand te verbinden >> wordt op volgende slide geillustreerd man-powered by Communication Services Centre Water Framework Directive & other texts Specific information (external projectwebsites)

DEMAND - SIDE SUPPORT - SIDE 13 M A P I N G Offer Demand Mapping > volgende slide: iets meer over die mapping (en de vele mogelijkheden !!)

14 Working programme Presentation of scope paper and web-portal to SCG (27-28 May 2004) Presentation at Water Directors meeting (22-23 June 2004) Participation of CatchMod experts at PRB annual meeting (October 2004) Participation of selected PRB experts in the CatchMod workshop (16-18 November 2004) Development of a three-levels information platform in co-operation DG Environment (from November 2004 onwards) Participation of research result’s end users (incl. PRBs) in the Harmoni-CA Conference (Ghent, Het Pand, 5-7 April ‘05) For more information: Thanks for your attention! 15

CatchMod a DG Research sponsored cluster of projects Water topics DSS development Model selection Criteria Data-model & Tools for uncertainty Formal CatchMod BMW CatchMod is not exclusive MULINO & Other EU research World Wide Initiatives National Harmoni- RiB EuroHarp Quality assurance Harmoni- QuA Harmoni-CA Synthesis and co-ordination of WFD related ICT TransCat Harmoni- -CA OpenMI Open modelling interface & architecture Harmon- IT Clime Harmoni- CoP Tizsa River Temp- QSim Tools for stakeholder involvement

Harmoni-CA may play the role of “interface” for facilitating access to toolboxes in support of the WFD implementation However, today it only addresses a knowledgeable community Workshops, action plans, reports, website, newsletters are all good communication tools but should be “tailor-made” to different user categories

Plan for 2004 Attractive web-portal with relevant information for WFD-operational managers relevant = 2004 - 2006 & readily available June-September 2004: dissemination, improvement, joint development July 2004: main categorization ready September 2004: most of relevant CatchMod information included

FIRST LEVEL – “Simple” information for public / local authorities Accessible in 20 EU languages, covering main features of the WFD Environmental objectives RBD, water bodies Economic issues RBM plans 1. 2. 3. 4. Monitoring, modelling Measures Against pollution Public participation 5. 6. 7.

Access to guidance, best practices, methods and technologies SECOND LEVEL – Toolboxes for operational managers, methods and technology providers etc. Access to guidance, best practices, methods and technologies Characterisation, modelling Management, economics Monitoring, Compliance testing Measures (protection, restoration) 1. 2. 3. 4.

Access to scientific information in a “policy-formatted” way THIRD LEVEL – Scientific information for policy officers, stakeholders, RTD managers Access to scientific information in a “policy-formatted” way RTD programmes FP5/FP6 projects National projects LIFE projects 1. 2. 3. 4.