Instructions and Specifications House Sketch Instructions and Specifications
Research Our next unit will involve designing a house using our CAD software called Revit. Today, you will be generating some ideas and a rough sketch for your house design. You will get ideas from either internet sources or from the textbook (in the closet by the door). Take about 45 minutes to look at houses and take notes on what you have learned Your notes should be at least 10 complete sentences, each sentence containing at least one idea you have found for your house. Then, spend the remainder of the class period sketching out your house in your composition book (see next page).
Sketch a house House specification Sketch a house including at least: 2 stories, 4 bedrooms, 3 living areas (LR, DR, FR), 4 bathrooms, 3 car garage, 6 outside walls, kitchen, utility room, pantry, clothes closet for each room, guest coat closet Your sketch must include at least: First floor plan, Second floor plan, Front Elevation (view) with roof Provide rough dimensions for your house House does not need to be to scale
House Plan References Here are some sites that have house ideas. You can also find many others in the internet as well as in the textbook: zombie-proof-house