The Wisdom to Speak or Say Nothing. James Chapters 3 and 4
Three Definitive Marks of a True Believer’s Life - James 1:26-27 Control of one’s tongue. Care of orphans and widows/concern for the downcast. Keeping oneself unstained by the world.
The Tongue Should be Controlled by Faith, but the Tongue Controls Much Seven Illustrations: A horse and bit - 3:3 Ship and rudder - 3:4 A fire by a spark - 3:5-6 An untamed beast - 3:7 A dose of poison - 3:8 A fountain - 3:9-11 A fig tree - 3:12
The Description of Wisdom that has the Power to Tame the Tongue Two types of wisdom. James 3:13-4:3 Fleshly wisdom: jealousy, selfish ambitions, earthly, natural, demonic, conflict and quarrels. Wisdom from above: 3:17 - pure, peaceable, gentle, full of mercy and unwavering.
The Submission to His Wisdom 4:7-15 When we DO NOT submit to God: We are consumed by the flesh. 4:1-3 We become lovers of the world. 4:4-5 We become pawns of the devil. 4:7 When we DO submit to God: We experience His grace. 4:6 We experience His closeness. 4:8 We enjoy His blessings. 4:10 We are led by His guidance. 4:13-17