Honors Physical Science / Gifted Ms. Ortiz
Successfully pass a Safety Quiz. Pay a Lab Fee of $10.00 This is a laboratory course that helps the student prepare for the other two required science lab courses in high school. Throughout the school year, students will have the opportunity to participate in many laboratory investigations that include the use of scientific inquiry, research, measurement, problem solving, laboratory apparatus and technologies, experimental procedures, and safety procedures. All lab reports must be completed in a composition notebook. Before a student may participate in laboratory activities he/she must complete the following three requirements: Provide a Safety Contract that must be signed by both the student and parents. Successfully pass a Safety Quiz. Pay a Lab Fee of $10.00
Conduct and Procedures All students are expected to be in their seats when the bell rings at the beginning of class. If you are out of your seat you will be considered late. All homework assignments should be ready for collection at the beginning of class. The bell does not dismiss the class, the teacher does. Do not get out of your seat without permission. You will be assigned a seat, which will not be changed without the teacher’s approval. No gum, candy, or food is allowed in class. No grooming is allowed, and appropriate dress is required is required according to School Dress Code. Clean up your area before leaving class. All trash goes into the garbage can at the end of the period. All white papers go into the recycling paper box Passes will be issued only in emergencies. If you are absent, you are responsible for making up all the work that you missed. Have the teacher’s recognition before speaking.
BE ON TIME! After your third tardy you will receive a detention. Penalties If a student does not complete an assignment due to lack of necessary materials he/she will earn a zero. BE ON TIME! After your third tardy you will receive a detention. Since gum is not allowed in school at any time, you will receive a detention for chewing gum. Results of poor conduct: Warning, Detention, Home contact, and/or referral.
All labs will be completed in the lab composition notebook. Notebook Format Every student is required to have an up-to-date, well - organized Interactive Notebook with all introduction materials and assignments. All labs will be completed in the lab composition notebook.
Grades are assigned for: Class work (1 grade or more), Homework (1 grade or more), Lab activities and reports (2 grades), Special projects (2 or more), Tests (4 grades), and quizzes (1 grade). A 3.51 - 4.0 = 90-100 B 3.0 – 3.5 = 80-89 C 2.0 – 2.99 = 70-79 D 1.0 – 1.99 = 60-69 F less than 1.0 = 59 and below
Bringing our “A” game