Warm Up What does the following phrase “International Towne” mean to you now that you have completed International Towne?
Assessment Thank You’s Evaluations International Towne Assessment Thank You’s Evaluations
Learning Target I can describe what International Towne will be like and what I have learned. Success Criteria: Post Test International Towne Thank You’s Evaluations
Final-Assessment International Towne
International Towne Assessment Now it is time to assess what you have learned from this unit. Please turn to page 50 of your International Towne workbook and begin taking the test SILENTLY!!! REMEMBER… this data is going to be sent back to International Towne so please try your best!!! You will have 20 minutes to complete this assessment. If you finish ahead of time, please sit quietly as others finish it.
Post-Assessment Grading: Swap workbooks with your partner and be ready to grade. Mark only incorrect answers with an “X”. Be ready to share your partners score with the teacher. B E A D C
Data Exchange your notebook back to the original owner We will now need to collect data to send back to International Towne. As the sub calls out the questions, only raise your hand if you got that questions correct
Period 1 Data ___/___
Period 2 Data ___/___
Period 6 Data ___/___
Period 7 Data ___/___
International Towne Feedback Mrs. Law will use the feedback you give to help make this unit even better for next year!
International Towne Feedback On a separate sheet of paper, please answer the following questions with as much detail as you can. Remember, you do not have to put your name on your feedback paper. What was the best lesson from this IT unit? Why? What lesson would you change from this IT unit? Why? What was the best part from Wednesday Position Training/Country Meeting? Why? What would you change from Wednesday Position Training/Country Meeting? Why? What was the best part from Thursday’s International Towne Day? Why? What would you change from Thursday’s International Towne Day? Why? What grade would you give this unit? Why? Any additional comments that you would like Mrs. Law should now
If time permits…
Thank You’s
On a separate sheet of paper, write a letter thanking the staff of International Towne for all that they have done. Dear Young Americans Bank and the Staff of International Towne, We are writing to express our gratitude for all your help at International Towne on 2/11. We appreciated all that you have done for us. One of the things that I really enjoyed about the day is ….. Sincerely, Your Name