Vocab Words Week 11 Mr. Matzka
harmonious (adj) similar in sound
havoc (noun) devastation
hawthorn (noun) a thorny shrub often found in hedges
hazard (noun) risk
heartrending (adj) very depressing
heathenish (adj) indifferent or hostile to religion
heedless (adj) thoughtless
heifer (noun) a young female cow that has not borne a calf.
heinous (adj) quite sinful
hemorrhage (noun) discharge of blood from a ruptured wounded blood-vessel
henchman (noun) a loyal assistant and subordinate
henpeck (verb) to worry or harass by ill temper and petty annoyances
heptagon (noun) a figure having seven sides and seven angles
herbivorous (adj) feeding on herbs or other vegetable matter, as animals
hereditary (adj) passing naturally from parent to child