Andy Warhol Value Project Using color Value to show meaning
Value (in art) The lightness or darkness of tones or colors Value (in art) The lightness or darkness of tones or colors. White is the lightest value; black is the darkest. The value halfway between these extremes is called middle gray. Space is also an element of art by which positive and negative areas are defined or a sense of depth achieved in a work of art.
Value (in math) The numerical worth of a digit is known as its value.
Red: Light Pink, Pink, Dark Pink, Magenta, Red, Crimson, Burgundy Black Burgundy Crimson Red Dark Blue Eggplant Magenta Navy Blue Dark Purple Dark Yellow Burnt Orange Dark Green Dark Pink Royal Blue Yellow Dark Orange Forest Green Purple Pink Blue Tan Orange Olive Green Violet Light Pink Light Blue Light Yellow Light Orange Light Green Light Purple White MILLIONS HUNDRED THOUSANDS TEN HUNDREDS TENS ONES Red: Light Pink, Pink, Dark Pink, Magenta, Red, Crimson, Burgundy Blue: Light Blue, Blue, Royal Blue, Navy Blue, Dark Blue Yellow: Light Yellow, Tan, Yellow, Dark Yellow Orange: Light Orange, Orange, Dark Orange, Burnt Orange Green: Light Green, Olive Green, Forest Green, Dark Green Purple: Light Purple, Violet, Purple, Dark Purple, Eggplant
Let’s take a look at some of his artwork and find their art and number values!
2 1 4 3 Now you try Numbers 2-4 Things to think of: What colors do you see in each square? What place value does that number represent? How many times do you see that color in the picture square? What is the value of that number based on its place Value? 3 4 1. Yellow: Hundreds: 1: 100 Magenta: Thousands: 2: 2,000 Red: Ten Thousands: 1: 10,000 Tan: Tens: 1 10,000+2,000+100+10+0 = 12,110 Now you try Numbers 2-4