objective The school community has raised funds over a number of years with the intention of enriching the schooling experience for Star of the Sea children. Four initiatives that would enhance the physical school environment have been identified. This survey has been designed to gauge how appealing each initiative is in the eyes of our school families, their preferences and drivers.
Approach Ask participants: To RATE each initiative Their PREFERENCE – to select one Tell us WHY – to understand drivers Year their children are in to check we have REPRESENTATIVE sample To give FEEDBACK – an opportunity to be HEARD which leads to community ENGAGEMENT and a source of GREAT IDEAS!
Response Survey sent via School Links - 270 PEOPLE COMPLETED IT! 135 completed in first day – community is passionate about how this money is spent! Good representation across junior, middle and senior school “This is the money we have fundraised, should be spent on FUN aspects – things that give our children the most pleasure. Love of school and education will set them up for life”
Themes Rain or Shine - 74 comments (31%) Children currently cooped up inside on wet days Importance of fresh air, physical activity year round Provides different benefits in Summer and Winter Options for sport after school Entire school will benefit - 42 comments (17%) Everyone should enjoy Fundraising for a long time “It will immediately benefit all students. A number of families have been raising money for years and would be nice for them to experience benefit even in their last year at school”
Themes Protection / Wellbeing - 37 comments (15%) Eliminating risk – particularly sun protection Faith / Special character - 29 comments (12%) Dedicated space Inline with special character of school “All weather outdoor play is excellent option and protection from the harsh NZ sun is essential – NZ has highest rate of melanoma per capita” “Being a Catholic institution, children, particularly those who are not privileged enough to go to church often enough need to comprehend the religious aspects of our faith”
Themes Multipurpose- 26 comments (11%) Addressing more than one need Nature - 17 comments (7%) Green space, natural beauty, Connection with environment Future focused - 16 comments (7%) Build for the future Something that isn’t going to be changed in foreseeable future “I’m excited the school is taking seriously the importance that environment has on learning”
Preference – Choosing just one…
Rating each option
Rating each option INITIATIVE AVERAGE RATING Chapel 3.3 Archgola 4.7 Integrated learning 2.8 Native setting 3.5 “I don’t support open learning areas at all…” “If you have a true relationship with God you don’t need a chapel – he is with us always” “Kids love nature and with the rise of the electronic age, nature in school is paramount”
Feedback / suggestions Most frequently mentioned Other suggestions Drinking fountains Swimming pool Astroturf Safe drop off bay Seating outside Concrete walls to bounce balls against Gardens / garden to table Painting games on concrete Junior playground Computer coding / robotics Air conditioning in classrooms (& heat) Improvements to school hall New curtains Covered walkways Solar panels / rain collection off archgola More outdoor play options Bike obstacle track Improved communication from school using social channels (eg. facebook) Soccer goal posts on top field Seating by top field More frequent school productions (smaller) Hire Archgola area to community groups
Next steps As a board you’ll need to decide how to proceed with the Diocese. However, we mentioned in the survey that we’d share insight – this is SO important to as it builds trust between Board and community encourages Engagement with school and fundraising activities demonstrates transparency (the school community will want to know how their thoughts compare with others) assures our school community that they have been heard, this hasn’t been a box ticking exercise “That a decision is made promptly as it becomes frustrating for parents to continually support fundraising initiatives but not see the funds being invested into the school”