Dual Credit Program in Battle River School Division
What is Dual Credit? Dual Credit Program allows students to earn post-secondary credit and high school credit at the same time during their high school years.
What are the courses like? Regular post-secondary courses Taught by post-secondary professors Supported by post-secondary professors and high school staff
What are the benefits? Increases student engagement Earn 30-level high school CTS credits Assist transition to post-secondary and reduce anxiety Provide competitive edge for students applying for work and/or post-secondary programs
More benefits ... Provide opportunity to explore post-secondary programs prior to investing significant time and finances Build student confidence Save money (tuition costs are covered)
Your responsibilities Be dependable and hardworking Ensure course deadlines are met Communicate with your professor and your off campus teacher Attend evening and/or orientation online sessions for some courses/programs
Cautions You will be marked the same as an adult learner Your professor’s policies may not be the same as your high school teacher (eg. you may not be able to rewrite a quiz, etc.)
Cautions Your mark on your post-secondary transcript stays with you Post secondary institutions may use grades from both high school AND other post secondary transcripts to calculate a grade point average used for admission in competitive programs.
Think our Dual Credit Program is for you? Watch for upcoming information on course availability Ask your school administrator for application forms for appropriate institution Return completed applications to your school administrator who will forward them to Tracy Beattie at tbeattie@brsd.ab.ca. Check you school email for information from your professor