Competition! Find a word relating to what we have studied so far about Elizabeth, with the highest numerical score
FLIP LEARNING The following tasks are due today: TASKS: Finish off the rebellion table, remember this can count as part of your revision for this week! Using pp.35-43 and pp.232-235, create a handout of whether Elizabeth’s reign saw a ‘Golden Age’ INFORMATION MUST BE SET OUT ‘FOR’ AND ‘AGAINST’ The following tasks are due today: A Guide to the Golden Age
How far was there an Elizabethan Golden Age? Define Criteria Judgement What is meant by the term ‘Golden Age’ in relation to Elizabeth’s reign? What would you expect to see if there was a Golden Age during Elizabeth reign? Was there a Golden Age during Elizabeth’s reign? Why? Define: a period when a specified art is at its peak, immense progression. Criteria: New art, literature and music; more accessibility to art literature and music Judgement: Progression in art literature and music across England, but the golden age was amongst the upper classes in society KNOW What is meant by the term ‘Golden Age ANALYSE Reasons why Elizabethan England is considered a ‘Golden Age’ EVALUATE Whether Elizabethan England was a ‘Golden Age
How far was there an Elizabethan Golden Age? You are going to write out two paragraphs about whether there was a golden age during the reign of Elizabeth. Firstly, you are going to watch me write a paragraph, during which I will commentate on how to write a paragraph for a history essay. Secondly, you will write your own paragraph, based on the commentary I give you. KNOW What is meant by the term ‘Golden Age ANALYSE Reasons why Elizabethan England is considered a ‘Golden Age’ EVALUATE Whether Elizabethan England was a ‘Golden Age
Elizabeth I: Succession KNOW Elizabeth’s potential husbands ANALYSE The strengths and weaknesses of each suitor EVALUATE Whether Elizabeth was right not to marry How did relations with foreign powers change and how was the succession secured?
Context TASK: Using a black pen, omit as many words as possible, without removing the meaning/key content of each bullet point. KNOW Elizabeth’s potential husbands ANALYSE The strengths and weaknesses of each suitor EVALUATE Whether Elizabeth was right not to marry
Elizabethan You will be introduced to 5 potential husbands for Elizabeth. Your job is to record the relevant information down in the relevant boxes. first dates music! KNOW Elizabeth’s potential husbands ANALYSE The strengths and weaknesses of each suitor EVALUATE Whether Elizabeth was right not to marry
King Phillip of Spain (1559) My name is Phillip of Spain, and I have come all the way from Spain to meet you today! I used to be married to your deceased sister, Mary I. Unfortunately my influence was unpopular with Protestant politicians, who were against our marriage… I hear that you immediately said you do not want to marry me, because I treated your sister badly. That’s a shame… If we got married I would be able to keep controlling England. Opps, did I say that out loud?! I would ignore the people of your country, who do not like the idea of us getting married. All they focus on is the recent war I got your sister into and that it led to the loss of Calais. KNOW Elizabeth’s potential husbands ANALYSE The strengths and weaknesses of each suitor EVALUATE Whether Elizabeth was right not to marry
Prince Eric of Sweden (1559-65) I am Prince Eric of Sweden. I know you’re not keen on the marriage, but many of your councillors (such as Cecil), are really keen on us getting married, because it would create a Protestant alliance. You’re country is so powerful, much more powerful than Sweden, and on this basis I am very keen for us to get married. It doesn’t matter really that your people don’t really know who I am!! KNOW Elizabeth’s potential husbands ANALYSE The strengths and weaknesses of each suitor EVALUATE Whether Elizabeth was right not to marry
Charles of Austria (1560-67) Hi Elizabeth! I am Catholic Charles of Austria! I hope you are feeling better after suffering from Small Pox. Your Council seem enthusiastic for us to marry on the back of your illness, despite our religious differences! Do not worry about your people fearing dominance by the Holy Roman Empire. Remember, you yourself are encouraging this proposal. You seem very interested in the political advantage this marriage could bring your country in foreign policy. There is just one thing. Any chance you can move over to me? This marriage is all my Dad’s idea in all honesty, and I’m not too fussed on moving to England. KNOW Elizabeth’s potential husbands ANALYSE The strengths and weaknesses of each suitor EVALUATE Whether Elizabeth was right not to marry
Robert Dudley (1560-78) -Struts dramatically into the interview room- Elizabeth, my old friend! I would do anything to marry you (apart from push my wife down some stairs, that was such a tragedy!). I know given my wife's suspicious death, our marriage would be a scandal amongst the public, but you cannot deny the love you have for me. We can get past the time you tried to marry me to Mary Queen of Scots. We can get past the fact that our proposed marriage split your council into a factions for and against. It doesn’t matter that Cecil opposes our marriage. I adore you, however our marriage would also do wonders for my career! KNOW Elizabeth’s potential husbands ANALYSE The strengths and weaknesses of each suitor EVALUATE Whether Elizabeth was right not to marry
Robert Dudley went on to marry Lettice Knolly in 1578... Play track 4 on the soundcloud Robert Dudley went on to marry Lettice Knolly in 1578... …Elizabeth was furious…
Duke of Alencon (1578-81) Bonjour! I am the Duke of Alencon (Anjou), your little frog. I was so glad that you agreed to marry me. It’s a shame you called it off the next day… You seemed to love me, despite my smallpox scars and the fact I’m 20 years younger than you! I hope you still have all my love letters. I could do with some money to fund a military campaign against the Netherlands, but that doesn’t mean I don’t genuinely love you… does it? I heard that your people produced a pamphlet against our marriage. They really don’t like the fact I’m French do they! Or the fact my country massacred Protestants in 1572… Equally, your councillors seem quite divided. I suppose if you do get pregnant it would be very risky… KNOW Elizabeth’s potential husbands ANALYSE The strengths and weaknesses of each suitor EVALUATE Whether Elizabeth was right not to marry
“Would you like to see each other again?” TASK: Rank Elizabeth’s suitors from most suitable, to least suitable. Be prepared to verbally explain your opinion. KNOW Elizabeth’s potential husbands ANALYSE The strengths and weaknesses of each suitor EVALUATE Whether Elizabeth was right not to marry
Marriage, Succession and Parliament Create this timeline in your notes using lined paper. Using p.196 (new textbook), you are going to makes notes underneath this timeline on each year. Then, you are going to use one colour to give each date a mark /5. This mark is based on how serious the issue of marriage is. 5 4 3 2 1 1559 1563 1566 1579 KNOW Elizabeth’s potential husbands ANALYSE The strengths and weaknesses of each suitor EVALUATE Whether Elizabeth was right not to marry
Was Elizabeth right in her decision to not marry/name a successor? TASK: Using p.196 and the Alison Weir article, fill in the table below KNOW Elizabeth’s potential husbands ANALYSE The strengths and weaknesses of each suitor EVALUATE Whether Elizabeth was right not to marry
FLIP LEARNING TASK: The following tasks are due in next Tudor lesson: Complete the reading on ‘Why did Elizabeth I never marry?’ Next lesson we are starting foreign policy, and will begin with Mary Queen of Scots Research the following plots, focusing on the narrative (story) of each plot, consider Who was involved What their intention was How the government responded How far the plot was a threat Ridolfi, Throckmorton, Parry, Babington The following tasks are due in next Tudor lesson: