Basic Logic Gate Sayed Mahbub Hasan Amiri Dhaka Residential Model College
Basic Logic Gate
AND Gate In this animated AND Logic example of Doors Opening and Closing, you can see that in order for the "Light" to get through the house, the front door AND the back door must be Open.
AND Gate In order for the Output of an AND Logical Function to be TRUE: input (1) AND input (2) must both be TRUE. This is Positive Logic. Hint: TRUE is when the switch is closed, applying power to the LED. FALSE is when the switch is open, NOT applying power to the LED
Truth Table A & B are the Input switches C is the Output LED
OR Gate In this animated OR Logic example, you can see that in order to get light through the house: the left front door OR the right front door (or both) must be Open.
OR Gate In order for the Output of an OR Logical Function to be TRUE: either input (1) OR input (2) (or both) must be TRUE. This is Positive Logic.
Truth Table A & B are the Input switches C is the Output LED
NOT Gate Output is true when the input is NOT true, the output is the inverse of the input. A NOT gate can only have one input. A NOT gate is also called an inverter.
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