Commissioning ExtraCare Housing The South Gloucestershire Council Perspective 8th October 2014
Topics Strategic aims Commissioning Current provision Next The way forward Analysis
The strategy in South Gloucestershire Starting point was the development of the Joint Accommodation & Care Strategy in partnership with South Glos. PCT. Conclusions evidenced the need for alternatives to existing poor quality stock of outdated sheltered and care homes. To improve and diversify the housing and support options, and choices for Older People. ExtraCare identified as having a significant role to play in the continuum of services and promote independence.
The Programme refined As a way forward the Accommodation and Care Strategy proposed working with social housing partners and private providers to facilitate the commissioning of 16 Extra Care schemes in South Gloucestershire by 2016. • In 2010 the targets were refined by the Better Services for Older People Programme The plan replaced a target number of schemes with a target of 700 homes - 300 social rent and 400 sales. We tendered for partners to develop three council owned sites and capital investment was ring fenced from LSVT. Development of an ExtraCare Design Brief
Commissioning the service Key components: Provision of 24 hour care and support, promote health and well being and maintain independence. Tendered care and support services separately from scheme development and landlord service. 100% nominations accepting the service as a package, and business case principle for allocations – all must be FACS eligibility and total on-site care costs should not exceed cost of new occupiers’ existing packages of care. Deliver a sustainable meals service Adopted a banding approach to facilitate a balanced and vibrant scheme and a simplified charging system. Actively promoted the service as an alternative to residential care.
Current provision 5 schemes delivering 289 affordable units delivered. 3 newbuild plus 2 remodelled. 100% rented social and affordable rents, Care and support tendered separately and commissioned as a block contract. Landlord housing related support element
Next 440 units in pipeline to meet strategic target. A mixture of private and one council owned land deals. Opportunity to review the service delivery to date and improve flexibility. To ensure the appropriate mix of housing and support provision is developed within new neighbourhood developments. Willingness to work with providers who will only develop if they deliver both bricks & mortar and care & support – involves their agreement to our service spec at a cost we can evidence as achievable through open tender – subject to member approval.
The way forward? New developments will deliver predominantly sale and part sale units to meet increasing future demand. ExtraCare, planning policy and the Core Strategy. New partnering arrangements and cross authority commissioning. Ensure affordability and equality of service standards. Clear outcomes from the service
Development Analysis ExtraCare is arguably the most complex type of affordable housing to deliver- North Yorkshire Council Clear outcomes and a business case even more important. Learn from the private sector. Viability and the need for communal space. Clear message about what ExtraCare can deliver Future proofing and design flexibility A range of schemes offering different services depending on location
Commissioning Analysis Maximise choice and keep key benefits of ExtraCare model intact. Banding and high care needs. 24 hour core services. Role for external response services? Ability to provide dementia services and where agreed with health services nursing and end of life care. Health and Wellbeing and prevention. Meals services Unique opportunity for joint commissioning.